stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1GeneralAnyone got any v4.1x results left?
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Stephen Brooks
2003-10-07 03:05:39
I lost the database for v4.1x about a year ago (when the repeat-checking stuff had bugs in it).  It would be good if anyone has any of the top results from this old version left.  I've still got the program for v4.13 so I can check them.

I'm interested in old versions because I'm writing up the results of what happened since June 2002, when v4.11 was the latest version (so 4.12 and 4.13's results I don't have).

Some volunteirs could of course do a rerun with v4.13, but it would be without any official stats.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-07 05:23:03
From what i can tell the oldest version i've got results from are from 4.21, and they are in July 2002 so there isn't much gap.

Well i'm running v4.13 now, i'll leave it go over night and see how it goes.  How many results you want stephen?  Also cpu power has increased since then so it shouldn't take as long to get a few results.

[This message was edited by ZeonX[OCAU] on 2003-Oct-07 at 13:31.]
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-07 12:03:00
Originally posted by ZeonX[OCAU]:
Well i'm running v4.13 now, i'll leave it go over night and see how it goes.  How many results you want stephen?  Also cpu power has increased since then so it shouldn't take as long to get a few results.
HaX0r!  Where'd you get that old version from?  (Of course you could have just archived it away, but there _is_ a place on this site you can get it - I just didn't think anyone had found it).

I don't really know how many results I want, but the more the better.  I'm running v4.13 overnight on my machine at work too, to get a few to base stuff on.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
[SG]Santas little helper
2003-10-07 13:25:28
Stephen, I think u reffer to this URL: !
Am I right?  I just think so ...

According to your question I have to say that I don't have any bestNNN for 4.1x!  Sorry!

Cu, Santas little helper
2003-10-07 14:05:21
If you need another to produce some extra results... I'm willing to spare a P4-2,4HT boxto help you out.
Hopefully ZeonX will send me that 'old' version (or make it public) so more can help out.


Keep smiling... it makes people wonder what you're up to Wink
[SG]Santas little helper
2003-10-07 14:12:10
@MetalRush : Why did I post this URL?  For people that want to have the old version ... just go to 'ver' (stands for 'version') and download a 4.1x one ...

Cu, Santas little helper
2003-10-07 15:24:31
Well here is a direct link

Also I had that version on my HD from ages ago.  Big Grin
2003-10-07 15:29:47
Thanx ZeonX Smile
As soon as my 'personalised queue' is done (did some tweaking Wink), i'll start this version and leave it on for 24 hours (at least).
My server.csv is set to Stephen's FTP server, so the 4.13 results will be available to him directly.


Keep smiling... it makes people wonder what you're up to Wink
2003-10-07 16:06:34
Question for Stephen:
I changed the config file of the 4.13 version to 'Threads=2',
My system doesn't seem to understand this and blows the power to 50% CPU usage.
Therefor I started the (background-)client twice... what will Muon do in this situation?  (changed the Threads back to 1)
Is it wiser to copy the folder and start the 2nd client from there?
I will leave it running for now...

Keep smiling... it makes people wonder what you're up to Wink
2003-10-07 23:42:01
I suggest you make two folders and run a process from each otherwise the two muons might conflict and overwrite results or the save file.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-08 02:04:15
Originally posted by [SG]Santas little helper:
Stephen, I think u reffer to this URL: !
Am I right?  I just think so ...
Yes, that was the one.  I didn't know if people had found there were old versions up on there.
Originally posted by MetalRush:
I changed the config file of the 4.13 version to 'Threads=2',
My system doesn't seem to understand this and blows the power to 50% CPU usage.
Probably the threads didn't work so well back then... The safe way to get two instances running is to install twice, to two different folders and run an instance from each.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-08 08:19:39
Now I don't know if my stats counter is going to react well to these v4.13 results coming in - try sending them if you like, but make sure you keep results.dat around.  I'll say if any appear here tomorrow; if they're getting here OK then no need to do anything.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-08 11:52:29
Presumably still wait until you accumulate at least 15kb worth?  Or does testing the stats code take precendence over increased server load for this mini project?  Smile
2003-10-08 12:45:04
Results (auto-)send... just say when Big Grin
(still running)

PS: I honestly don't know where it was send to... it doesn't keep a sendlog Razz
Otherwise gimme a hauler... can send you the results.dat manually as well Smile

Keep smiling... it makes people wonder what you're up to Wink

[This message was edited by MetalRush on 2003-Oct-08 at 20:53.]
2003-10-08 15:01:26
I've nearly got 20kb worth of results and thats taken a while because they are so small.  From a quick glance mytop score is around 1.38% is that any good?

I'll probably run this muon for another day and then go back to F@H.
2003-10-08 15:43:16
Same here; 1.380295
I'll keep it running till Stephen has enough results returned.
A teammate has an older system running now too (P3-866 or something) on 4.13.

Keep smiling... it makes people wonder what you're up to Wink
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-09 02:00:14
I know that in v4.11 the results got up to 1.93%, but I don't have the actual parameters for that.  I do have the following design that got up to 1.878%, though:
1.905968 (20936 particles) [v4.11] {E416DD6E}
...where both the figures I quoted are rechecked values and the score on that result is just a single run.

[edit]: Try resending all your 4.13 results again... I've made the results-receiver be OK with lower version numbers now - I hope.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2003-Oct-09 at 10:46.]
2003-10-09 12:33:49
I resend all the 4.13 results again (please do a dupecheck).
Stupid enough I didn't copy the DAT myself... so hopefully it came through allright (ARGH, sometimes I just could kick myself in the ***)

Keep smiling... it makes people wonder what you're up to Big Grin
2003-10-09 18:45:13
Me too!

Life the Universe and Everything!
2003-10-10 07:11:04
Hello everybody,
I just sent about 7kB of 4.13 results with a topscore of 1.34 %...
Just one thing: Is the v4.11 result compatible to v4.13?  Anyway, I added it to my result.dat and I 'll see...Big Grin

2003-10-10 11:09:44
with help of that v4.11 result, I was able to produce some 1.6xx % results:
1.615669 (21294 particles) [v4.13] {C6E6153B}
1.656542 (21294 particles) [v4.13] {C6E6153B}
1.647146 (21294 particles) [v4.13] {C6E6153B}

2003-10-10 23:03:27
All three of those results have different parameters but they all have the exact same checksum.
I'm not running it here, that may be normal for that version.  I just noticed it while glancing through.
2003-10-11 05:16:30

did all results (of version 4.13) arrive?  (still auto-flushing).
How many results do you need?  (will keep running as long as necessary).


Keep smiling... it makes people wonder what you're up to Big Grin
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-11 05:17:32
Yes, v4.11 is forwards-compatible to v4.13. The identical checksums are normal for v4.1x: I gradually added more factors into the checksum in later versions, but at that stage I only checksummed the muon_lattice2.txt file or whatever it's called.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-20 08:38:19
OK, the results don't appear to be getting through via FTP (the checksumming has evolved too much since then for it to work, obviously), so can you e-mail my your results.dat files instead?  (

I'll try and send back out a makeshift sample file so we can share the results.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
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