stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1General3% yield on PhaseRotC
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2005-07-20 10:43:01
glad to see someones finally got that result.  lower than the first result I'd expected for this kind of jump (and I expect Stephen too) was expecting around 3.6%

I only hope some of you don't go blindly chasing after the highest yield at the moment, and just see what the optimiser will come up with.  Its always good to let the prorgam keep working, for nothing else than to make sure we're not just trying to prefect a local minimum. 

**note - opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone**

PS - congrats AySz88, but there is still a ways to go.  3.8% is easily possible
2005-07-20 12:20:04
grr, I actually prefer when the program works it way up to a possible baseline design on its own rather than feeding it a manual set of values that all of my crunchers are going to favor now :/
Stephen Brooks
2005-07-20 13:05:20
With any luck, this result is not the real optimum, but just somewhere a bit better from which we can now progress uphill.  I have got 3.6% on this lattice by re-using PhaseRotB results, but the PhaseRotB results may not be tuned properly for this new proton energy, hence the new optimisation to find out what its potential is.

Don't worry, there'll probably be more lattices later which can't be spoiled by some smart arse Big Grin
2005-07-20 17:24:33
Originally posted by [TA]z:
grr, I actually prefer when the program works it way up to a possible baseline design on its own rather than feeding it a manual set of values that all of my crunchers are going to favor now :/

I'm exactly the same.

For the last day or two, i've been feeding these 'modified' results, seeing how far i can take it - but i've stored my results files beforehand.  i've gotten itt o around 3.82 so far.  mainly i'm curious as to how the phase stats affect earlier C designs, (-ve results are either -1.x meaning not enough particles reach the end, or -0.x meaning the wrong type of energy reaches the end, for those that don't know) so combinations of the best B solonoids, with my best C phaserots, and my best solonoids against the best B phaserot, and so on.

only problem is, my ancient (5 1/2yo) system onlygets about 60 kptss, and these sims are each 450+ mpts, 5 runs, and it takes a while.
2005-07-21 17:44:36
I actually just copied and pasted almost everything from a PhaseRotB result, so it wouldn't take so damned long to make most of the solenoid lengths 999, drift lengths 000, etc. This was just to kick-start it.  I intentionally don't want to feed it something like a 3.8x% result that can't really be improved.
2005-07-21 19:06:37
thats what i've been working on myself.  i just had the solonoids the same, and worked from that.  being a different energy level, its going to require different setups for the phaserotation componants.
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