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Stephen Brooks
2004-03-13 03:28:23 looks like Infopop have 'upgraded' my website.  So my logins don't work any more and I'll have to fix a load of things when I get back in on Monday.  This bulletin board ought to work though (I've just fixed a setting so it looks very roughly like it used to).
2004-03-13 05:41:04
I received this frontpage:

Message Board

Your browser does not support these pages.  Please upgrade

your browser if you choose to view this site. 

Supported browsers are: Internet Explorer 5.5+, Netscape 7+, Mozilla, Safari and Opera 7+.

Just an older version of Phoenix allowed me to respond here.

Not very kind.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-13 10:35:09
Well you're not the only one who they've annoyed by doing this.  When I got my e-mail working again, the thing insisted on downloading 1300 messages off the server because the datestamps had all been reset!  Two other scripts on this site are somewhat-broken because some other datestamps were modified in the upgrade.

I'm sorry if this has made it difficult to use these forums.  Normally good practice is to give people a choice to upgrade rather than forcing it on everyone... Frown
2004-03-13 11:51:17
The forum's background has been white for about 24 hours, making the forum unreadable.  Bad upgrade job.

But it's working now.  Smile
2004-03-15 05:43:36
{Eve Summary}

Your browser does not support these pages.  Please upgrade your browser if you choose to view this site. 

Supported browsers are: Internet Explorer 5.5+, Netscape 7+, Mozilla, Safari and Opera 7+.
Screw eve, its too annoying to use this forum and still can't get used to the popup replying format.  I install a popup blocker so yes its very inconvenient for me post this one post.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-15 06:40:58
Ugh... and now the whole site has become INCREDIBLY SLOW.  I installed PHP and Apache on my home computer over the weekend, just in case I need a "Plan B", should these problems not go away.

As for the popup blocker, surely a _proper_ popup blocker would have an "allow requested popups" option?  Razz
2004-03-15 20:52:33
Am using PC at work to access the website, so don't really have any control over choice of software installed.  At home I can access the site without any problem but the popup format takes getting used to.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-16 02:27:58
Yes... I don't see why they couldn't have provided a simple text-only alternative interface for people with browsers that have problems with the whole thing.

The popup posting is certainly a bit weird - my chatboxes in browserwars have the post box just at the end of the thread, which is just as convenient and rather less over-engineered than using JavaScript.  I quite like the quick-reply popup thing now that I'm used to it, though.

I'm quite impressed that Infopop decided to do something like this and push web interface technology further than it's usually been taken, but still, what's wrong with also providing a fallback?!
2004-03-21 05:22:59
They've been using this sytem at Ars for a few months now (we were the high-load beta-test).  All I can say is that we have had a lot of headaches, but they seem to be ironing out.

I hope that the problems are fixed soon her too, best of luck to you Stephen in finishing up everything (I think everything is fixed, but there might be other stuff still)

Stephen Brooks
2004-03-21 10:07:42
Relevant information (I am "Stephen Brooks 2" due to either someone else or myself stealing my name):

Apparently there is still hope.  [edit]IF the page ever loads in your browser.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2004-Mar-21 at 10:10.]
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