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Stephen Brooks
2002-11-24 08:23:43
I actually download the ls listings to my HDD here, so could in fact display a queue-length indicator and breakdown for each server.  I'm busy with maths work right now though.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-29 16:41:32
And again...
20021127-175124 38 results sent to

(more than 48h ago..)
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-29 17:12:18
This time you were unlucky: is the only server I can't my script can't flush at the moment.  I've manually got about 4-5 days of results off it now.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Brian Sogard
2002-11-30 06:58:19
I wish I knew why that was the case... Guildftpd running on a win2k system... I'm out of town, but could log onto my server if I knew what needed changing to allow the script to function.  I'm not sure which SP the system is updated to, but I keep my systems fairly well updated, time permitting.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-30 11:04:28
The bizarre thing is that it flushes _my_ FTP without any problems, which is running GuildFTPd v0.999.5

I'll continue to get results off that server every few days - or maybe there's a way around that doesn't invoke the ls -R function.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Brian Sogard
2002-11-30 15:38:38
If anybody knows a setting I have that blocks Stephen's script, I'd like to hear it!  I've guildftpd 0.999 on win2k. When I get home Monday I can update to whatever the current guildftpd is, and I probably will do that.  In the meantime it would be good to know if I can 'fix' this in another manner.  It seems it would be useful information for our collective knowledge base.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-30 17:04:08
Well I think invoking the -R "rhubarb" switch may be a bit of overkill since I can instead check the folders individually.  Since this seems to cause compatibillity problems I might change that script soon.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Dec-01 at 2:51.]
2002-12-02 07:43:19
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:

I'll continue to get results off that server every few days - or maybe there's a way around that doesn't invoke the ls -R function.

Why using an FTP-Server that doesn't work properly?  My results are again on this server, so this is for me the point to send all the results I have and then leave this project.

2002-12-02 07:58:53
woei some lost ones showed up =]

[This message was edited by [DPC]Scorpion on 2002-Dec-02 at 17:39.]
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-02 08:32:45
Originally posted by pvs:
Why using an FTP-Server that doesn't work properly?

The server works fine, no results have been lost, and I've just manually pulled the files off there, including yours and Scorpion's.

Currently the retrieval of results isn't _automatic_ for this server because it doesn't support one of the UNIX ls switches.  I think I know of a way to fix my script here so that this server will also be flushed automatically.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-02 09:43:01
O.K. lets say the server works fine, but your script doesn't work together with this server, for me it's the same thing.  If my results are uploaded to this server, I don't know, if the particles are counted today or tomorrow or..

With this distributed FTP-thing it's easy, to remove a server from the list, getting things sorted out und put it back on the list.

I have no fun allways waiting for my results to show up in the stats, so I'm leaving..

2002-12-02 09:44:23
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Originally posted by pvs:
Why using an FTP-Server that doesn't work properly?

The server works fine, no results have been lost, and I've just manually pulled the files off there, including yours and Scorpion's.

Currently the retrieval of results isn't _automatic_ for this server because it doesn't support one of the UNIX ls switches.  I think I know of a way to fix my script here so that this server will also be flushed automatically.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a _spiral space-time whirly thing_, AND an interesting plotline"

well i will disable the sogard server for now till you fixed it =]

Stephen Brooks
2002-12-02 11:51:30
Well I was about to say...

I considered removing sogard's FTP temporarily from the main list (there's an option I've got to move servers into an "awaiting approval" queue).  Initially I decided against it because the Muon programs only update their servers file every 24 hours (or when it is deleted) so it would take 24 hours to take effect and probably wouldn't solve your immediate problem.  Now I've taken it off the list anyway until I've worked out a 'fix' for my script, so 24 hours from now no more results should be sent to this server.

Another thing I was going to say (and Scorpion figured out) is that if there's a server you "don't like" for some reason, or one that appears to be malfunctioning or eating results, you can delete one line from servers.csv before you manualsend and it won't go there.  Of course the manualsend will still overwrite the servers.csv file with my list once it's 24 hours since it was last modified, so this is not a permanent solution.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Brian Sogard
2002-12-02 15:22:58
I've upgraded to guildftpd 0.999.6

Let's see how it works now..

[edit: within minutes of upgrading server software on my system, datacenter connected and flushed all files on my server]

[This message was edited by Brian Sogard on 2002-Dec-03 at 4:16.]
2002-12-02 19:34:47
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Another thing I was going to say (and Scorpion figured out) is that if there's a server you "don't like" for some reason, or one that appears to be malfunctioning or eating results, you can delete one line from servers.csv before you manualsend and it won't go there.  Of course the manualsend will still overwrite the servers.csv file with my list once it's 24 hours since it was last modified, so this is not a permanent solution.

if you change the server.csv and don't want to let manualsend update it automaticly every 24h there's a small workaround for windows systems.

simply create a msend.bat including the following lines:
copy ,,+ servers.csv

ignore the windows warning messages wink

the "copy ,,+ servers.csv" simply updates the creation date of servers.csv when the msend.bat is started.  manualsend won't no longer update this files, because it's timestamp is allways up to date wink


p.s. under unix replace .bat with ".sh" insert a "#!/bin/sh" in the first line and replace "copy ,,+ servers.csv" with "touch servers.csv".
2002-12-03 07:46:11
you could also make your csv read only, r protect it with ntfs permissions wink

but i'm happy sogard works fine now

Stephen Brooks
2002-12-03 09:17:13
Does it?  I need to know if he is seeing the datacenter user logging in correctly and retrieving files off it.  (No results will go on there for noe because I've taken the server temporarily off the main list).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Brian Sogard
2002-12-03 16:13:22
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Does it?  I need to know if he is seeing the datacenter user logging in correctly and retrieving files off it.  (No results will go on there for noe because I've taken the server temporarily off the main list).

I've checked the logs, there have been a few files uploaded to my server in the last 24 hours, once I upgraded to guilftpd 0.999.6 it seems the server is happy with datacenter download script.  Each upload has been downloaded the next time datacenter queried the server.  From the server log, and from my empty server directories it looks like it's working correctly now.  Sorry to everyone that it wasn't acting correctly with Stephen's script before this.

Brian Sogard
2002-12-03 17:33:33
I've been informed by my ISP, that my FTP server has to be shut off, or they shut me off.. Sorry guys...

[edit: all files had been retrieved from my server before shutdown... finally get it running and they shut me down.. *sigh* frown ]

[This message was edited by Brian Sogard on 2002-Dec-04 at 2:03.]
2002-12-04 05:28:39
Bummer, did they give a reason?  Too much traffic?  red face

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.
Brian Sogard
2002-12-04 14:46:53
Well, I know the traffic wasn't even close to my normal usage.. somewhere in the subscriber contract they have a clause about not running any servers, and they've got a script that periodically scans for open ports on the system, an open ftp port is one that triggers a report...
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-04 15:40:00
I'm not sure if my ISP approves of servers either (I'm going home on Friday), but I know someone else who has regularly run a server on it so they probably don't check up on people so much.  (Or at all - they appear to pretty-much ignore you as long as you pay the bills).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-06 15:53:40
Originally posted by pvs:

I have no fun allways waiting for my results to show up in the stats, so I'm leaving..


Hm.. the SG-Statspage ( ) is created every hour by one of my computers.  I stopped all Muon clients, but to see the stats every hour, without running the clients is really really not funny...

Ok... I'm back big grin ... cool
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