stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1General"Too many bonus points" stats bug now fixed
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Stephen Brooks
2002-08-20 12:16:43
I've just found the cause of the peculiar behaviour of the stats recently.  Apparently I was adding on, for each record, the number of points that the _best_ muon % encountered so far in that file would get, rather than the amount that actual record would get (i.e. as soon as one result got a x6 multiplier, all subsequent ones did!).  Some of the stats are going to fall a bit I'm afraid, but at least now they'll be more fair.

(Well, I say "now", I mean "in a few minutes when the stats compiler has finished").
DPRGI - Marzio
2002-08-20 12:58:38
well done Stephen razz wink

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Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]
2002-08-20 14:06:53
[SG]ETA has to less Particle Points .....
He has 4641327Particles ... and 349 Muon's done .. this is 13'299 Particles/Muon ...
Is this not a little bit TO less ??

i think all Muons are over 20'000 Particles or not?  confused
2002-08-20 15:51:32
Hehe, I was wondering why I got over 230 million particles out of one 100k file... big grin
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-21 01:25:22
Originally posted by Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]:
[SG]ETA has to less Particle Points .....
He has 4641327Particles ... and 349 Muon's done .. this is 13'299 Particles/Muon ...
Is this not a little bit TO less ??

Some people have uploaded the best250 in their results.TXT.  The stats generator won't count muons from those records.  So in this case it's really 349-250 = 99 simulations, which makes about 47`000 particles each, which is about what you'd expect.  I may change the stats generator later so that the bestXXX entries don't show up in the "number of units crunched" either.  In fact I'm already putting a system to prevent this from happening in v4.22 (so the client removes the best250 entries before it sends).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]
2002-08-21 03:49:57
Ah, ok ... i understand .... Not a problem, i just was playing with Excel and your RawStats ... and in one "DataSort" it show this ....

You can let it ... big grin

I just try to calc the "particles/muon" for all practicant and see if i'm to "slow", or better i have to less bonus made ... wink
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