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2002-06-27 07:37:52
Last Samday (22.06.2002) I have ported the source code to Linux.  The background Version will be running, but I have to make some test next weekend.

I hope i can finish the version next weekend.

kruemi [Swissteam.NET]
2002-07-01 00:50:14
Hm... could you pass me the Code or a binary so I can help testing?  I'm waitung for such a client... wink wink



Don't read this.  And neither this!
2002-07-01 01:56:36

Great idea, if we have a Linux client, it should be easy to create also a Solaris client.

Have you finished the Linux client?

2002-07-06 20:36:27

Does a Linux client mean that a Mac OS X (which is also Unix) version is on the horizon?

Bye for now,

Stephen Brooks
2002-07-09 05:46:36
If any of this is finished, I'd like to see the compiled binary - and if possible, a brief list of what sort of things you had to change to get it to compile.  If that looks correct then I'll upload it to the main download page, with credit to wiloyee of course.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
kruemi [Swissteam.NET]
2002-07-09 06:40:52
Hm.  If the source compiles on gcc for linux, it should be no problem, to compile it on MacOS X (wich is a BSD Unix).
The way from a Linux-Client to a DOS Client shouldn't be as hard too .-)



Don't read this.  And neither this!
2002-07-21 02:01:19
Hello wiloyee!

Where is the "promised" Linux Version??
I also want to try it. 


2002-08-07 17:31:01
we need Linux version!  smile
A Mac Dude
2002-08-10 17:09:09
As a matter of spurring interest in the project, I would recommend an OS X client.  There aren't many distributed projects on OS X, so any project that does get an OS X client tends to get a lot peoplein mac-land very interested.

The volunteers signed up will no doubt be greater than the effort expended, esp.  if MacNN and MAcAddict get notified......
2002-08-10 21:08:06
I can not keep my AXP2000+ for ever do to commitment to a different project, but my Duron 1000 is available permanently.  it runs Linux though
Somebody must be able to make *nux version.
Since OSX is a dirivative of *BSD the portage of Linux client will not be hard.

[This message was edited by odessit on 2002-Aug-11 at 4:21.]
2002-08-13 10:30:03
Will there be a Client for MacOS 9.X - 10.X?
2002-08-13 10:32:19
Forgett what i have written.
I din not see the post of "The Mac Dude".
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-13 12:40:22
Maybe I'll have a go at that commandline port.  v4.22 is on the agenda somewhere, but letting this version consolidate for a while isn't a bad idea either.
2002-08-14 10:06:49
Just wondering if the background client would run with Wine or similar software using Linux?  That could be a temp solution until a native client arrives.
Anyone try it?
2002-08-14 18:19:20
The background client does work with wine, if you set the config.txt to use one thread.  I tried it with two threads and it crashed when it attempted to first autosave.  The other problem is I could not get manualsend.exe to work.  So you will need real windows to sen in your results, do you still accept email attachments of results.txt?

It is interesting to see how wine runs the program.  It splits the job between both CPU's more or less equally.  So the single thread uses both CPU's, kinda strange.  The other 50% goes to dnetc on my PC.
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-15 08:05:54
Here's a version that runs in a DOS console under Windows.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-08-15 11:03:18

i could port/recode the background client so that it could be run under *NIX if Stephen is interested in this offer.



p.s. i got some nice suns here which wait for crunching big grin
2002-08-15 11:13:28
Hello px3!

Some people would appreciate your port!
And I think Stephen wouldn't mind.
That's what the source is for.


2002-08-15 11:25:35
px3 - definately do it smile

Intel P3-M 866 MHz
Duron 1000 MHz
XP 1600+ @ 2000+
2002-08-15 11:27:51
@px3, do it.  Please tell us more, if it succeeds.  wink

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
2002-08-15 15:31:45
I have tried a few times already but it is proving much more difficult with this version than the 3.x ones I did due to the added compexity and stephens use of non-standard structure defs (according to gcc).  Good luck... you're going to need it.

I may have another go with the command line version to see if that is any easier.

[edit] but I will wait until Stephen has fixed it before trying[/edit]
2002-08-16 00:55:29

i'll start when Stephen gives his ok for that porting. 
it's his project and coding.


2002-08-18 15:50:47
Stephen, can you give him written permission to start working on Linux port?  cool
Err... I can continue to run Win98 on my cruncher, but I would rather not...

Intel P3-M 866 MHz
Duron 1000 MHz
XP 1600+ @ 2000+
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-19 12:24:58
You can _try_ a Linux port, but the commandline version isn't fixed yet (had to spend all day trying to get the monitor driver to work on my Windows 2000 system).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-08-20 07:02:20
ok, command line is fixed smile
the light is green to create linux version smile

Intel P3-M 866 MHz
Duron 1000 MHz
XP 1600+ @ 2000+
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-20 11:13:00

BTW, anyone know what the Linux-equivalent of DirectX is?  I tried doing some graphics with XLib/XServer, but plotting individual pixels requires a lot of function calls and is terribly slow.  I thought of OpenGL, but isn't that mostly for 3D?

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-08-20 14:19:39
DX is purely M$ thing, and OGL probably would be the best
OGL capable cards OGL can do simple 2D graphics.  But I must warn you that not all cards support OGL in Linux and/or OGL requires a bit of configuring that is not easy for newbe.

Intel P3-M 866 MHz
Duron 1000 MHz
XP 1600+ @ 2000+
2002-08-20 15:37:38
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:

BTW, anyone know what the Linux-equivalent of DirectX is?  I tried doing some graphics with XLib/XServer, but plotting individual pixels requires a lot of function calls and is terribly slow.  I thought of OpenGL, but isn't that mostly for 3D?

The closest native lib is STL. I have never used it but several games have been released using it, Loki added quite a bit of code back when they were a going business.  Transgamming has forked a version of wine to support DirectX.  I haven't bought a subscription from them either.  Games are not a big interest of mine.  razz
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-21 01:37:03
Originally posted by pben:
The closest native lib is I have never used it but several games have been released using it, Loki added quite a bit of code back when they were a going business.

Aha thanks.  That looks more like what I was after (writing bytes into a framebuffer directly).  The only pain-in-the-mallards is the fact it's under the GNU LGPL which means I have to include a load of stuff (either the SDL source or at least an explained link to the SDL website, plus having to dynamically link the library).  DX was apparently "native" to Windows so that I didn't have to include anything extra - and users could upgrade their DX independantly of my application.

I might have a go with it anyway though.  Sounds like Linux in fact does _not_ yet have a mature framework for doing this sort of thing.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-08-21 15:04:31
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Aha thanks.  That looks more like what I was after (writing bytes into a framebuffer directly).  The only pain-in-the-mallards is the fact it's under the GNU LGPL which means I have to include a load of stuff (either the SDL source or at least an explained link to the SDL website, plus having to dynamically link the library).  DX was apparently "native" to Windows so that I didn't have to include anything extra - and users could upgrade their DX independantly of my application.

I might have a go with it anyway though.  Sounds like Linux in fact does _not_ yet have a mature framework for doing this sort of thing.

I think that the info you got on OpenGL is wrong.  Not all video cards have accelerated drivers but Mesa works on any X server.  I have even used it using the worthless unaccelerated nv driver stub with a TNT2 viideo card in a Debian distro, slow but it worked.

Linux projects are free all the authors ask for is credit and pass along the source.  All Microsoft wants is money, sometimes they give away the tools for a while but in the end you can be sure that they will get the cash.  The major problem is getting good docs in Linux, the source isn't always enough.  What can you say when you depend upon the kindness of strangers.
2005-07-21 09:29:48
Hi all.

Its been almost two years since the last post in this thread and I was wondering it there will be a linux version (hopefully of v442b).  If not then has any one got the latest client running under linux and what they had to do to get it running.

2005-07-21 14:10:54
Originally posted by [H]Scorpio:
Hi all.

Its been almost two years since the last post in this thread and I was wondering it there will be a linux version (hopefully of v442b).  If not then has any one got the latest client running under linux and what they had to do to get it running.


Actually, almost 3 years.

You can run the client under WINE i believe, at least the cmdline client.  try it, and play around a little bit with it.
2005-07-23 13:15:42
DOH!  I always did s*ck at maths.

Have started playing around with WINE but kept on getting a few errors when it was run as a normal user.  Am now testing as SU.  Hopefully it wont crash.

Ps Whats the difference between PhaseRotC and PhaseRotC_big S1???
2005-07-24 13:58:16
Hmmm, when my client tries to send it comes back with a GetExitCodeProcess for a few hundred lines, then times out and carries on as normal. 

Anyone else getting this (and if so, how did you resolve it)?

Ps sorry for all the questions but am a linux n00b and willing to learn.
2005-07-29 00:57:27
Had the client running on a dual Xeon box using WINE for quite some time but then all of a sudden it kept crashing down on me?

Just this week i found an old unixmuon client.
Go have a look here:
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