stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Generalv4.2 - stats issues
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Michael H.W. Weber
2002-08-13 11:24:55
Hi Stephen,
I have a problem here.  I was surprised about the high score I have in your stats.  Using M$ Word with "results.dat", I estimated my stats to be actually around half as high as indicated in your rankings.  Of course, I cannot exclude that somebody else simulates under my name - but it's unlikely.  So, I suspect a problem with your stats "engine".
Well, the more important thing is that since I use v4.21b, there is no correct recording of the BEST simulation results.  I have submitted various data that have better values than 0.3 but still the best value indicated under my user name is around 0.28. I don't know the reason for this.  Of course, I won't drop dead because of this, however, I just wanted to let you know.  Maybe it is important for your system...

Cheers & all the best,

Folding@Home / Genome@Home team Germany, supported by
Now participating with in CASP5 by supporting
Proteins are Nanomachines or Nanomachine Building-Blocks.
Examples: The Ribosome, RNA-Polymerase Holoenzyme.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Aug-13 at 22:03.]
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-13 12:38:33
File glitch.  Back when you were using 4.2, something wrote a load of NULLS to your results file.  This could have also been caused by the FTP server conflict situation prior to 4.21. I've removed it now and hopefully your stats on the next update should be corrected.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Michael H.W. Weber
2002-08-13 14:17:06
Ok.  Thanks for the info.  I have just uploaded some more results.  Let's see.  However, I have always checked ALL "results.txt" and "results.dat" files prior to any uploading of results (with ALL Mµon versions I ever used).  They NEVER contained multiple NULL entries.  So I conclude that this must have happened during upload.  Although even here I NEVER encountered any error message or something alike.


Folding@Home / Genome@Home team Germany, supported by
Now participating with in CASP5 by supporting
Proteins are Nanomachines or Nanomachine Building-Blocks.
Examples: The Ribosome, RNA-Polymerase Holoenzyme.
Michael H.W. Weber
2002-08-13 14:50:20
Ok.  I have recognized that my best stats value has changed.  Anyhow - I have never simulated that result.  It is ranking # 6th now - worldide!  Value is 0.648476. My "results.dat" does not contain this value at any place - I checked it using M$ Word again.  If you later rely on these stats tables to decide which participants have generated the best parameter settings, I fear you might have a problem.  Please check this in detail.  Of course, I can still not guarantee that someone else is working under my name whom I am not aware of.


Folding@Home / Genome@Home team Germany, supported by
Now participating with in CASP5 by supporting
Proteins are Nanomachines or Nanomachine Building-Blocks.
Examples: The Ribosome, RNA-Polymerase Holoenzyme.
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-13 15:01:16
Here it is, if you want to use it in your results.dat big grin

0.648476 (38920 particles) [v4.2] {B75C17BC}

I think this was a 4.2 "results.txt getting uploaded by two different people at the same time" error - you got a small segment of someone else's results.  This was starting to happen more frequently with increased usage, and that's why I rewrote parts of the uploader for v4.21.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
David Bass
2002-08-13 16:15:40
Wow, the BBS software doesn't half screw up this thread.  (The messages above Stephen's long reply are right aligned way off the screen on IE 6.0)
2002-08-13 17:10:53
big grin

Ahh, morning....Nothing like a good cigar, a cup of coffee and the sound of hot shell casings hitting the deck....HETT[TEP]
2002-08-13 23:02:51
My 19 inch CRT is too small for this thread.  big grin

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-14 02:19:57
My 22" CRT at 1600x1200 only displays about 4cm of text on the right!!  It would be nice if the long line of text was wrapped without me having to insert carriage returns.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
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