stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Generalnuclear waste, results seeding
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2002-06-26 12:58:33
So, I remember reading a discussion about whether or not you should seed your results.dat file, or if you should just let the program figure it out on its own.  Should I download the complete results.dat off the project page, and append it to my results.dat, or is this just provided for information?

Also, I read where this research will also have implications for improving nuclear waste disposal by converting radioactive waste to nonradioactive substances.  Where can I find more information about this?  I find that very interesting, and would like to know more.  Has anyone done research in the costliness of cleaning up the nuclear waste we have with this method?  Is that practical, or only theoretical at this point?  Anyway, point me in the right direction here, so I can read up on it a little.

Thanks!  - Scott smile
2002-06-26 14:17:53
While I'm am at, let me ask another question - I noticed that in the earlier versions of the project the best muon transfer was above 7%, and the best in this incarnation of the project is slightly better than 2%. Why all the difference, and is the current transfer efficiency more accurate?
Stephen Brooks
2002-06-26 15:23:52
You can seed the results.dat file if you like.  I think it will probably improve your results somewhat, but the program will be OK without it.  Some people asked for something like this, that's all, so I uploaded it.

I haven't actually looked into the nuclear transmutation aspect any further than reading in a paper that it was one of the possible uses for a muon collider (which would be another use for the first 2/3rds of a neutrino factory, and the piece we are designing is in both layouts).  Try this search:

I wrote somewhere-or-other that the version 4.x project was simulating a longer section of the accelerator than the 3.x, with bends in it, so more particles are lost along the way.

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