stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Bug ReportsCan't send results
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Pat Galea
2003-12-13 14:38:10
Hi there!

I tried with v4.32g, and now I'm trying again with v4.33.

I can't send any results.  ftp hangs during the 'put' command.

If I run up my own ftp (under Cygwin), I can put the file (by manually entering the commands from script.ftp), but only if I set passive mode.

I have passive mode set in my config.txt file, but looking at the script.ftp it appears that this is being ignored; there's nothing to tell ftp to enter passive mode.

Have I missed something, or is this a bug?

FYI I'm using manualsend.

Cheers, pg
Stephen Brooks
2003-12-16 03:07:28
Well script.ftp _ought_ to contain the line "quote pasv" just after it logs in.  If not, it's possible the config file is being misread.  I might test this to make sure.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
Stephen Brooks
2003-12-16 03:16:20
Yes, there are 2 ways Muon1 takes input: via commandline switches and via the config file.  The switches are processed first, and manualsend.bat is just muon1 -s, so it tries to call the sending routine before it's looked at the config.txt file hence you always go on the default settings.

However, if you wait until your file reaches 100KB and Muon1 sends by itself, it should use PASV properly.  The bug is fixed now and will come out with v4.33a.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
Pat Galea
2003-12-16 13:05:48

I shall wait 'til then then.

Cheers, pg
2004-02-08 22:34:48
one of my PC can't auto send...
the config.txt
Resolution: 1024x768
Priority for background running ([N]ormal, [L]ow, [B]ackground): N
Threads: 2
Auto-send results ([Y]es, [N]o): Y
Auto-save interval (seconds; 0 for no save): 240
Rechecks for best-so-far results (min.  5): 5
Use passive (PASV) mode for FTP transfers: N
Download sample results file after a number of days (0=don't): 3
Sample file URL:
FTP command call: ftp -script.ftp
and the results.txt is 288kb now
i use the muon1_background on that PC and other PCs use cmdline

A high school boy from China.
Just Love DC(distributed computing)
2004-02-10 00:49:18
and the cmdline can auto send

A high school boy from China.
Just Love DC(distributed computing)
2004-03-01 03:28:25

Am having a heck of a time consistently auto-sending or manual send results back.  Have muon (cmd line) running on several systems all of which at some time or other will hang at a put command.  My config.txt has pasv ftp=Y, I am behind a firewall (Checkpoint) but since this problem is not consistent I don't believe that to be a problem.  Since the work appears to be going out to multiple FTP sites and since the script seems to hang about halfway through I'm assuming that I'm at least getting out to some of the servers.  Do you check to see if a server is available before you start to send results in your script?  Doesn't appear to do it.  Waht happens if a server is not available and the results are sent to some of the servers before the script finishes?  What happens to the completed work when I ctrl-c out of the batch file?  All crunching comes to a halt while in this state waiting for the script to complete and download new work.  Why not change the name of the results file first and then download new work before sending the results?  Really getting to be a frustrating problem for me (maybe my own) but I can't be certain.

Stephen Brooks
2004-03-02 01:39:04
It's probably worth trying the new version 4.34 as this has an FTP timeout built in so it retries when hangs like that happen.

That problem with crashing during a 'put' command happens to me as well, I'm not sure why, and testing if the server was up beforehand wouldn't help because it has already made contact with the server when it issues that command.

The point of multiple servers is to send your results to _one_ of them (at random), not all of them.  It will try several until it finds one where it can be pretty sure your results got uploaded.  Things going wrong could leave duplicates or parts of your results on several servers, but that doesn't matter as I pull results off all of them and remove duplicates here.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-03 15:02:26
Thanks for replying Stephen.  Some further information about this send problem is I've noticed that at the time you mkdir v4.34x sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't work it has reported that I don't have permission to do that and then the script will hang.  If it does mkdir then usually the script doesn't hang.  I updated to v4.34 yesterday and have not experienced any problems yet.  Only a couple of systems have completed their work though.  One thing I noticed with v4.34 this morning was one of my systems was hung for about 9 hours trying to download a new latticelist.txt.  What is that file for and is it necessary to download it if I am running the cmd_line or background client?

2004-03-04 08:41:17
I had a load of trouble this morning to upload some 1,3MB of results, but finally something has gone through, as I see can from the stats.
Not sure though, if I messed up several different servers with dupes now Big Grin

Somehow the serverlist didn't like to come down the normal way.  I tried with an older version of manualsend, but the connections just hung.  Tried again with the latest and it just killed the serverlist and requested me to download it directly from http.
Finally I was fed up and left the whole thing on its own for the next week or so, duh.  Wait and see.  Confused

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.
2004-03-04 17:38:32
I haven't been able to send results since using v4.34. I'm a dial-up sucker so I send them manually.  When I use manual-send it just hangs then switches servers back and forth.  I tried moving my results to old file where v4.33a was & using the manual-send from that version and it worked fine??????????
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-05 02:35:03
Hmm well I have changed the results-sender so that it times out FTP sessions that take too long.  The timeout is 1 minute plus 1 second for each KB of results you want to send (I assumed that would be adequate unless you had a 9600 baud modem or lower!!).

I just tried the v4.34 send here, and apart from having to use the web browser to download servers.csv (an issue with the very-secure firewall here at work), the results got sent.  In fact they got sent very fast!
ftp> put 20040305-103412-pqrP9-Stephen_Brooks.txt
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 20040305-103412-pqrP9-Stephen_Brooks.txt.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 1062782 bytes sent in 2.91Seconds 365.72Kbytes/sec.

I'd be interested to see exactly what your window says when it hangs because a few of the lines of output come from my program, and the rest are from FTP.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-05 10:26:40
Will do, but I don't believe any of the problems related to your server.  they seemed to be with the intheory server if memory serves me right.  I believe they are the only server that does the "mkdir v4.3x", at least that is what I believe I remember.

2004-03-06 02:17:24
C:\DC\Muon\v434>muon1 -s
ftp> open
> ftp: connect :Unknown error number
ftp> wu2000
Invalid command.
ftp> eapnzk4r
Invalid command.
ftp> lcd C:\DC\Muon\v434
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434.
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Not connected.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Not connected.
ftp> ascii
Not connected.
ftp> put 20040306-101402-GbZY8-tenfiveoh.txt
Not connected.
ftp> cd ..
Not connected.
ftp> get signal.dat
Not connected.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Not connected.
ftp> cd testfiles
Not connected.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434\testfiles.
ftp> put testfile_zeazhtuqcth.txt
Not connected.
ftp> lcd ..
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434.
ftp> get testfile_zeazhtuqcth.txt
Not connected.
ftp> del testfile_zeazhtuqcth.txt
Not connected.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> ftp: connect :Unknown error number
ftp> wu2000
Invalid command.
ftp> eapnzk4r
Invalid command.
ftp> lcd C:\DC\Muon\v434
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434.
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Not connected.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Not connected.
ftp> ascii
Not connected.
ftp> put 20040306-101424-wVJMr-tenfiveoh.txt
Not connected.
ftp> cd ..
Not connected.
ftp> get signal.dat
Not connected.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Not connected.
ftp> cd testfiles
Not connected.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434\testfiles.
ftp> put testfile_zsrwlvcrncm.txt
Not connected.
ftp> lcd ..
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434.
ftp> get testfile_zsrwlvcrncm.txt
Not connected.
ftp> del testfile_zsrwlvcrncm.txt
Not connected.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> ftp: connect :Unknown error number
ftp> muon1
Invalid command.
ftp> wednesday
Invalid command.
ftp> lcd C:\DC\Muon\v434
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434.
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Not connected.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Not connected.
ftp> ascii
Not connected.
ftp> put 20040306-101459-jENv7-tenfiveoh.txt
Not connected.
ftp> cd ..
Not connected.
ftp> get signal.dat
Not connected.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Not connected.
ftp> cd testfiles
Not connected.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434\testfiles.
ftp> put testfile_jkmrmylmfen.txt
Not connected.
ftp> lcd ..
Local directory now C:\DC\Muon\V434.
ftp> get testfile_jkmrmylmfen.txt
Not connected.
ftp> del testfile_jkmrmylmfen.txt
Not connected.
ftp> quit
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-06 05:06:24
That's only 3 attempts - it should do up to 10 until it works.  It's quite normal for 1 or 3 servers to fail before it actually gets through.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-06 15:22:44
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_hsxmonuqnje.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_hsxmonuqnje.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_hsxmonuqnje.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
ftp> wu2000
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> eapnzk4r
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231648-QeJnK-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_qvlfgymipqd.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_qvlfgymipqd.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_qvlfgymipqd.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
ftp> muon1
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> wednesday
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231709-ppu8K-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_vavqdlgpxad.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_vavqdlgpxad.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_vavqdlgpxad.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
ftp> muon
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> resultsupload
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231733-HvWgW-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_mqkkeoscubh.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_mqkkeoscubh.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_mqkkeoscubh.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
ftp> muon
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> resultsupload
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231758-KdtOC-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_noxtullxcjg.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_noxtullxcjg.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_noxtullxcjg.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
ftp> muon
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> muon
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231820-FucGH-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_auptfywtajw.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_auptfywtajw.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_auptfywtajw.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> wednesday
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231842-Lk2B6-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_tvwmpdsgklc.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_tvwmpdsgklc.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_tvwmpdsgklc.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
ftp> muon
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> muon
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231905-Bn6ze-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_jreregqxdfm.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_jreregqxdfm.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_jreregqxdfm.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit
ftp> open
> FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
ftp> muon1
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> wednesday
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> lcd C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
lcd Lokales Verzeichnis
ftp> mkdir v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd v4.3x
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> ascii
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> put 20040306-231927-HpX5v-Diabolos.de_[].txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd ..
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> get signal.dat
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> cd testfiles
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon\
ftp> put testfile_xphdvksfqnb.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> lcd ..
Lokales Verzeichnis jetzt C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\GHeim\Desktop\Ron\Muon
ftp> get testfile_xphdvksfqnb.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> del testfile_xphdvksfqnb.txt
Nicht verbunden.
ftp> quit

since yesterday 5.march.04

Signature: No Thx iam not ill.
2004-03-07 02:18:51
Stephen I only posted 3 of the ten attempts just in case you were able to spot anything unusual.  I do let it run through all 10, always the same result...

Could not send results: an FTP connection with a server could not be established

If I copy the results.txt file to my v4.33a folder and run manual send from there it always gets through on the first attempt.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-07 04:54:01
It looks like the "open <server>" command is failing.  Incidentally, if you reset your machine and try again, does that work?  I'm wondering if my time-out feature is leaving FTP ports reserved until Windows runs out or something.

[edit] Just had another thought: do you both use firewalls that have been configured to let only Muon1.exe through on FTP ports?  I create the FTP process in a new way with 4.34, so it might just show up as "FTP.exe from the Windows directory" and your firewall would block it.  There are two ways around this: the less-secure one is to allow the Windows FTP program through your firewall; the more-secure one is to create a copy of ftp.exe, rename it muonftp.exe and put it in your Muon1 directory, then alter the config.txt to use _that_ EXE rather than the default Windows one, then let that EXE through your firewall.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-07 14:57:51
I have copied and renamed the ftp.exe like you wrote.  Its the same sh*t.
My Windows says that what i have already posted.
2004-03-07 15:32:35
I use ZoneAlarm & had already tried giving FTP trusted access.  Still doesn't work.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-08 02:02:35
What happens if you open the FTP program e.g. from the "Run..." menu, and then type "open <servername>"?  If your FTP program isn't working then Muon won't be able to send using it.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-08 02:41:53
With the copied and renamed ftp.exe i can access on my webspace per ftp.
ftp> open
Verbindung mit wurde hergestellt.
220 FTP Server ready.
Benutzer (ftp.diabolos.deFrownnone)): ********
331 Password required for *********.
230 User ********** logged in.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
226 Transfer complete.
FTP: 225 Bytes empfangen in 0,08Sekunden 2,88KB/s
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-08 03:10:42
Can you also log onto one of the muon FTP servers using the passwords and usernames listed in servers.csv?

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-08 03:54:18
ftp> open
Verbindung mit wurde hergestellt.
220-EULER ftp service
220 Please enter your name:
Benutzer (blank-it.dyndns.orgFrownnone)): muon1
331 User name okay, Need password.
230-Good Afternoon muon1 !
230-Your IP is and has been stored in the server's log.
230-The current time is 12:51:35
230 User logged in.

ftp> open
Verbindung mit wurde hergestellt.
220 ZeonX 's Muon1 FTP Server
Benutzer (zeonx.mega-reviews.comFrownnone)): muon1
331 Password required for muon1.
230 User muon1 logged in.
2004-03-08 19:43:19
Originally posted by tenfiveoh:
I use ZoneAlarm & had already tried giving FTP trusted access.  Still doesn't work.

You need to close or disable your ZoneAlarm first before it can get through, I'm using ZA Pro and the same thing happens.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-09 01:27:54's problem looks like it's a result of the way I'm calling the FTP program, somehow (I assume you could send OK with v4.33a?).  If that's happening, I may have to put a config.txt switch to go back to the old way for users where the new one doesn't work.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-09 01:52:28
Yes version 4.33a works fine.
2004-03-09 07:08:42
Kitsura is right, shutting ZoneAlarm down completely rather than just giving FTP rights did the trick!  Since I never had an issue connecting using the batch file from v4.33a I would be happy with the config switch idea to avoid shutting down & re-starting ZA.

Thanks to all, keep up the good work.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-09 08:17:55
If you try this EXE, and then after running it once, activate the config.txt entry it will have created about "old-style FTP", it ought to revert to the old way of doing things.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-09 16:08:19
OK Stephen, now Muon send the results at the first time.
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-10 02:29:57
Then I will include that feature in the next Muon bugfix release.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
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