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2002-10-24 12:29:24
If someone wondered why the hell the most popular browsers on the market (IE5 and IE6) are far beyond Mozilla and now also beyond Opera - here's the answer.

But, first, why did I post.  I just got pissed off when some bastard using the same browser as mine (Opera) got into _my_ game and totally ruined my strategy.  (Which might not be brilliant, but it was _some_kind_of_ strategy, at least.  He didn't have any.) AGAIN!  (I don't know if it was a loss for Opera this time... I didn't care anymore.  But I've had many games lost that way before.)

After I calmed down, I did a calculation.
If there are more people using IE, then it has to mean that among them there are more idiots who butt into someone else's game and their stupid moves allow other browser's users to win.  (I've had a couple of chances like that and I've never shown any mercy.  Now, as I recall, it seems to me that the last, suicide move was usually made by one of IEs.) Or, okay, who just play crappy and let other browsers get extra bonus points.

Strong community + low percentage of (stupid) users - that's the key to success in Browser Wars!

(Yes, it was the way for me to calm down.  It worked.)

Signature in production.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-02 04:03:12
Also it appears that Opera has a support forum where someone's started a Browser Wars threas, whereas MSIE has no such thing...

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Michael The Guest
2002-11-02 22:51:39
Does Explorer HAVE support?  I mean, it's a Microsoft product...
Tom King
2002-11-03 01:36:33
I'm not sure if there are Microsoft managed support forums, Google pointed me to here.

I don't know why Microsoft don't have thier own forums.  Perhaps they thought that seeing as there were so many out there (I wonder why....) they didn't need to make thier own. 

Seriously though, I haven't had any problems at all with anything windows related since I moved from 98 to 2000 and XP.  And I have some of the strangest hardware around.  So ner-ner-ner.

Michael The Guest
2002-11-03 13:04:01
Aha, so does IE work if I use strange hardware then?  Time to do some modding...
Austrian Guest
2002-11-04 00:31:52
I know why IE is behind the others:

Because intelligent people who are able to win games don't frequently use IE - because it's a buggy and unsecure thing! 
Do you want Plugins as Flash?  - You have to activate ActiveX too.  - That maybe dangerous and expensive (dialer-software maybe installed).
Do you want Java Script as used by most websites?  - You have too accept VBS too, which can manipulate your hole system.

The browser crashs: Just restart it with Mozilla or Opera.  But if it is IE, you have to restart the whole system!

That's the reason why intelligent people don't use IE, but Mozilla or Opera.

And it's evident: These browsers have the most victories!
Tom King
2002-11-04 06:44:05
Er-Er-Er wait-a-moment.  Thats a huge sweeping statment "Intelligent people don't use IE". That's a bit like saying "Intelligent people don't use Windows". Both statments are, well, not to put too fine a point on it, wrong.  I think that the simple reason that Opera (and co) are ahead is that this is a programming/technical site, and therefore has that sort of people attracted to it, and they frequently use those browsers.  And of course the rabid MS haters will use nothing else, preferring to boast the exploits of a text-only browser that uses 11km of string, 60kg of sticky tape, a fair bit of blutack, a few ducks and a lot of wishful thinking.

2002-11-05 06:11:09
i bet there are Mozilla and Opera users who of course also have IE - there's no escaping it in Windoze - who play against themselves with 2 or 3 browsers and let IE lose ...
maybe you should start checking IP-no's too !!  LOL

Tom King
2002-11-05 06:27:54
He's already done that.  Only one play per IP is allowed.

2002-11-05 06:38:21
well, i just started IE5 and Mozilla on my PC and i was able to play on 1 board against myself ... Mozilla was winning until someone with IE6 barged in and ruined my strategy ;-\
Tom King
2002-11-05 07:51:30
Eh-eh-eh thats WRONG.  You shouldn't be able to do that, cheers for the heads up.  I'm sure Stephen will have that fixed in less time that it takes a parrot to spin-dry.

Stephen Brooks
2002-11-05 10:08:33
Well the IP-check works fine with IE6 against Netscape or Opera.  You can of course cheat if you refresh your IP between every move.  I can't install IE5 to check if IE5 vs. Mozilla will be IP-checked, but it ought to be.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-05 11:43:30
i tried IE5 against Opera 6 and Mozilla 1.1 ... in both games i could play against myself, without changing my IP (i'm behind a proxy-server).

Stephen Brooks
2002-11-05 12:12:57
Go to , refresh the page a few times and tell me what it says.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-06 15:54:30
Done it yet?

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-07 01:26:25
sorry for the late reply ... the proxy-thing i can only do at the office and i had a day off yesterday

it seems it was my mistake ; i was using 2 different proxies, so the IP was not the same when i played ... just noticed that with the test.php

i'm now using the same proxy for IE5 and Mozilla and just tried again, but someone else using IE5 is playing on all 8 boards, so it's a bit hard to test ...


btw : this would mean that 2 people behind the same proxy can also not play against each other (using different browsers) ?
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-07 05:57:10
Well as you saw, BrowserWars detects TWO IP addresses, one is the original URL and one is the "referred-by" thing, which seems in my case to be the college firewall/proxy.  If your proxy is particularly opaque, I can't exclude the possibility that two people behind it can't play each other.

Would this be you?

{1036660019} unknown/
{1036660070} unknown/

...seems to be two different proxies as you said, and yours is opaque so BrowserWars couldn't resolve the original address.  (Regular people's IPs with no proxying look like /a.b.c.d).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Nov-07 at 13:50.]
2002-11-07 12:52:28
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:

> Would this be you?
> {1036660019} unknown/
> {1036660070} unknown/

using those in 2 different browsers i could play against myself.
today i used the same proxy in both browsers and then every 2nd move fails until someone else makes a move - also had a colleague use the same proxy and we could not play against each other. 

Tom King
2002-11-09 16:55:08
I know why Opera ought to be first.  It's because there's a DAMN GOOD PLAYER out there.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-10 15:27:36
Originally posted by Thomas King:
I know why Opera ought to be first.  It's because there's a DAMN GOOD PLAYER out there.

You use Opera, don't you?  big grin

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Tom King
2002-11-11 03:49:50
No, I don't, and I haven't won a game for ages because I'm retarded...

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2003-Jan-25 at 20:46.]
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