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2004-05-16 05:21:37
Recently more info was added to the rawstats.txt file.  THe current layout of the statsfile, being devided into several sections and columns, means that the layout will keep changing over time.  One of DPC's stats builders, DukeBox, has made stats for DPAD in the past.  However, the continued changes to the statsfile (especially the adding of columns) made him stop this work.  So here's what I would like to ask you:

Can you produce a second statsfile with a strict layout and only the following columns:
username, total Mpts over all simulations combined, hours since last active

This may seem to allow for only simple stats, but at least they will keep working no matter how much versions of the program come in the future.

I hope this is not too much trouble for you.
2004-05-16 11:32:50
I would like to second that..

This weird stats-layout, where we are supposed to ignore the first part, is kind of strange.

A simple layout, where you have the essential information would be much easier.

I would like to have the team name in there also, so we wouldnt have to extract it from the username, but that is a minor thing compared to the ease it would be to make external stats with this reduced info.
Stephen Brooks
2004-05-17 03:33:54
Originally posted by [DPC]Stephan202:
Can you produce a second statsfile with a strict layout and only the following columns:
username, total Mpts over all simulations combined, hours since last active
I think I can do that.  Presumably you want all optimisations merged into one list too.

[Update] See - the "hours" column is broken right now but will be fixed on the next upload I think.
2004-05-17 10:51:16
Thank you very much Smile
This is exactly what I meant.  I'm going to inform our stats builders now Smile
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