stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1GeneralBad CRC in Best100.rar 1-10-03
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2003-10-01 00:20:57
It's bad!

Life the Universe and Everything!
2003-10-01 16:10:56
It runs just fine for me.  The CRC error means that the download was corrupted on the way to you.  The file on the site is fine, it was corrupted in the transfer.  Download another copy.
2003-10-01 20:45:33
Understand Thanks! 
Have tried many time downloading the rar file over the last 12 hours, with same problem.  Just tried 2nd Oct still same!
Was able to get Best100 by showing Best100.text, then saving as Best100_020903. I find download rar files from other places no problems, do not understand why?

Life the Universe and Everything!
2003-10-01 21:08:04
Which unzipping program do you use?
It's possible that your unzipper has an issue with .rar files.
2003-10-02 22:07:10
Hmmm, after reading that again, othe .rar files work ok.
Good question?
2003-10-02 23:00:01
Sorry people Big Grin
Using WinRar 3.0. I use it to back up many programs to place on CDR's and do not have any problems!  Getting Rar files from other sources no worries.  The only problem I seem to have is from the file Best100!

Life the Universe and Everything!
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-03 07:48:16
I encode that file with the following command on the console version of WinRAR 3.2:
c:\\progra~1\\winrar\\rar.exe a best100.rar best100.txt
I didn't ask it to put a CRC on there.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-03 19:01:06
Morning Stephen,
No worries,downloaded Best100.rar 041003 all fine.  Thanks

Life the Universe and Everything!
2003-10-09 02:57:08
I downloaded best500.rar now which seems to have a CRC error as well, both 7-zip as well as Total Commander report it broken.  Even redownloading it still does.  The textfile version however downloads without any damage.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-09 06:21:00
I've changed the script so that it uploads the .txt file in ascii mode and the .rar file in binary mode.  This might actually make things worse.  It'll update again at 3pm (1400 UTC) with the new settings.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
Henri Valta
2003-10-09 10:53:58
All these corruption problems with .rar files may be caused by Stephen's www server not recognizing the .rar extension as a binary file.  The server reports the type as text/plain.

Most of the time IE (wrongly) ignores the type and assumes the file type by extension.  However users of other browsers typically get corrupted downloads.

In apache servers this problem can be typically corrected by adding line
AddType application/x-rar-compressed .rar
to httpd.conf or apache2.conf

Hopefully this helps with these problems.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-09 13:28:55
Well I added that line to the configuration.  Does it work now, or do I need to undo what I just did to the FTP upload?  Big Grin

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-09 13:50:24
works like a charm now, thanks.
Henri Valta
2003-11-27 15:00:44
The mime type for the .rar files is again text/plain.  Stephen please fix Smile
2003-11-28 01:01:27
While you are at it, can you remove some buggy results from the lower end, all made by nukefarmer with no real design parameters.

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.
Stephen Brooks
2003-11-28 02:47:10
I'd rewritten the .htaccess file because I was having trouble getting Muon1 to download the servers.csv file from my website.  No-one else has yet complained about that, so it could be something to do with the network I'm inside.  Anyway I've added the type-fix line to it again.

The nukefarmer results were from [v4.3] (no idea where he dug that out from), the only ones in the file from that version, so I just filtered that version out altogether.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
2003-11-28 05:44:56
Big Grin Thanks a bunch, and we celebrate this with a new rechecked 9.75 top result from an interesting breed, courtesy [DPC]TeamNWW Big Grin

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.
2003-12-02 13:57:08
i'm the nukefarmer of the apperently buggy results..
I'm using the linux client that is available from, which is indeed 4.3.
Should i be using another version ?
2003-12-02 23:25:21
Hi Stephen, here comes the first complaint about servers.csv.  Every time i manualsend i get a message about downloading servers.csv from your site.

Got a fix for this one ??

2003-12-03 11:09:33

There is no current Linux version at the moment, sorry Frown A lot of Linux and Solaris guys have dropped out for the moment.

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.
2003-12-03 11:46:58
That's too bad... it would certainly boost my productivity... do you know if PX3 is working on new ports, or if any of the old ones are still valid?

Stephen Brooks
2003-12-04 01:09:54
Originally posted by abyzz:
Hi Stephen, here comes the first complaint about servers.csv.  Every time i manualsend i get a message about downloading servers.csv from your site.
That will be because your computer can't download it.  It seems to happen from inside LANs because it has trouble from here, but at home it gets the file OK.  Also my site was down for several hours yesterday, but if you posted that to the bulletin board, the rest was probably up when you were trying.
This was actually a correction to the previous code - now it deletes servers.csv if it is more than a day old and then tries to download a fresh copy (on previous versions it attempted a download anyway and failed because it didn't want to overwrite the existing file!).
Originally posted by Lex_Luthor:
That's too bad... it would certainly boost my productivity... do you know if PX3 is working on new ports, or if any of the old ones are still valid?
No, I should probably take the v4.3 port down now, as it is getting quite old.  I have a Linux install on the other half of my hard-drive here, but haven't yet done anything with it.  Basically I'll wait until I've got a good client under Windows and I need some extra juice for running an optimisation (for instance the v5 one).

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
2003-12-04 03:01:45
That will be because your computer can't download it.  It seems to happen from inside LANs because it has trouble from here, but at home it gets the file OK.  Also my site was down for several hours yesterday, but if you posted that to the bulletin board, the rest was probably up when you were trying.
This was actually a correction to the previous code - now it deletes servers.csv if it is more than a day old and then tries to download a fresh copy (on previous versions it attempted a download anyway and failed because it didn't want to overwrite the existing file!).

No sweat- i'll just download a fresh servers.csv from your site og change the attributes on my servers.csv.

2003-12-04 12:18:30
i've switched to the windows client running in wine and it seems to be running fine.
It also seems to generate results with alot higher Mpts ratings.
Stephen Brooks
2003-12-05 03:22:40
Yes; I was about to post again and say that Slartibartfast found that WinE coped very well with Muon1, even to the point of doing the graphics properly.  There have been so many fixes made since 4.3 that I'm not so surprised it produces higher yields.

Any idea on the speed of Muon1 under Windows vs. Muon1 under WinE?

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
2003-12-05 09:09:43
there isn't much difference in speed as far as i can tell..
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