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2002-06-05 06:46:55
Wouldn't it make more sense for muon1viewresults.exe to display the results.dat rather than results.txt?
Stephen Brooks
2002-06-05 07:30:03
I don't know.  Try swapping the filenames!
The only possible problem with results.dat is that it might have some older results in it and best100 and all sorts of gubbins people seem to add to it.
Having a switch in the results viewer might not be a bad idea though.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-06-05 15:41:12
I just have a separate dir with the viewer & fonts in.  I then just periodically copy results.dat to it, rename to .txt and run the viewer.  I guess a batch file could automate it but it only takes a few clicks.

A switch (-d) for .dat would be good or could you add an option when viewing to switch (toggle) between the two.
2002-08-02 01:32:34
The resultviewer does not show all results in results.dat
I've put two files from two computers together, but the viewer does not show all results.  There must be a bug.  confused

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
2002-08-02 03:39:29

fault of mine.  Error in file caused bug.

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
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