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Stephen Brooks
2007-11-19 18:49:49
Just realised why our PhaseRotEby5 climb suddenly started slowing down around 0.55%: I'd done the accelerator in blocks of 5 cells, but for short accelerators most of these blocks (and their associated genome parameters) are inactive.  Unfortunately that means that they may be storing unuseful values so that when the length parameter is increased, the optimiser sees that it's adding "bad" cells and hence decides that shorter is better irrespective of whether a better set of values for the new cells would help.

So in PhaseRotEb6 the variable-length channels are divided into sixths, with at least one of each block present, so they all have some effect and can be optimised.
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-19 20:49:16
Hmm this is unexpected, [TA]waffleironhead submitted a single result for this optimisation and it was positive: 0.178274%. I'm not sure if that means I've made things easier or what.
2007-11-19 20:57:02
I actually took the "best so far" result of eby5 and plugged it into the Eb6. Was curious to see how it compared running under the new lattice.  Sorry if I did anything bothersome.  Sometimes my curiouosity gets the better of me.  I did a manual upload to clear out any eby5 results and it seems I sent in my one eb6 result.
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-19 22:36:32
Well... it's OK actually, I kind of wanted it to go independently, but I guess as Eby5 wasn't going for very long, it won't bias the Eb6 results too much (i.e with a result that's highly optimised in one way but not others).
2007-11-23 10:00:53
I just send around 1000 results of Eb6. I started computation 3 days ago from scratch and left it alone.  After 24 h I got max, muon% of 0.19 (at 80 Mpts), second day 0.33 (115 Mpts) and after 72 h 0.35 % (at 120 Mpts).  It will be 3rd area on Mpts/% graph.  I was wondering what means higher Mpts but lower muon % than rest of the best results ?  Does it mean that in "my" line there is more muons in the system but they reach the end of accelerator in lower % - i.e. something happens with them at the end part ?  If this is true, can you manualy, based on physics change the design of end part ?  Interesting question is also if two lines will meet somewhere or they will go indeppendent if we don't mix them...
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-23 11:51:46
--[I was wondering what means higher Mpts but lower muon % than rest of the best results ?  Does it mean that in "my" line there is more muons in the system but they reach the end of accelerator in lower % - i.e. something happens with them at the end part ?]--

Yes, it certainly indicates that there are more muons in the system for a longer time, but they do not get to the end very well.  However in the PhaseRot systems there is also the issue of energy acceptance at the end of the channel, so an alternative explanation is that you have lots of muons right to the end but they do not arrive with the correct energies (180±23 MeV).

(This is unless those are #runs=5; rechecked results, which will always have 5x the Mpts of the equivalent single simulation, but I think you know that).
2007-11-24 20:08:49
Interesting.  In other post you mentioned lenght of channel and no.  of decaycells.  My results have about 880 decaycells, others about zero.  Thats why I have high Mpts.  Maybe you can run test on some of my results with shorter channel.  I am tempted to do it but on the other hand I am to interested if program will find it out by itself.
2007-11-24 20:15:41
I forgot to mention that it would probably be better if you don't post samplefiles at the very begining of new lattice computation for some time (until you get first 10000-20000 results or something).  It would give broader "gene pool" at the begining.
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-24 21:14:44
Yes, it's been suggested before that going without samplefiles could improve the variety in the gene pool, but in these lattices I wanted the optimisation to happen quickly so left it turned on.  Ideally there would be some way of figuring out when it is a good idea to exchange results and when it is not.  For instance if some users are obviously struggling and others are getting ahead.
2007-11-26 01:19:24
I am stucked at 0.39 and something.  Can you please post result that reads 120 Mpts / 0.52 % at the graph ?  I would like to put it in my .dat file.
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-26 13:00:29
That was from [DPC] Xanathorn's file
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-26 13:01:51
0.512091 (120.3 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> {***} #time=78926;
2007-11-26 13:47:22
oK, thank you.  I ran test on it and it is ok, almost the same muon % 0.511225 (604.0 Mpts).  Lets see how will it mix with others now.  I did't expected it will have 0 decaycells.  It means that there is a lot of muons in it.
2007-11-28 09:12:35
It went to ~0.59 in one day or so.  Than I was attracted with other results with about 160-200 Mpts and about 800 decaycells.  They went from ~0.36 to 0.44 in one day.
I got myself another computer so I am going to run that Xanathorn's bread separately.  Can you please post result that reads ~140 Mpts / 0.65 %.

I was also thinking about that Mpts thing.  My conclusion is, that most promising designs for optimisation are those which have rising Mpts with rising %. If Mpts stay constant ar even is falling while % is rising than it is a near end of optimisation.  Most % growth potential have designs with high Mpts.  Do you find it reasonable ?
How about a test- can you start a new computation/lattice and keep puting in samplefile only results with highest Mpts ?  I think it would be a nice experiment...
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-28 09:23:33
Hmm.  The Mpts certainly measure how many muons there have been in the system, so I guess the high-Mpts low-yield simulations have the early part of the channel quite well optimised but lose stuff in the later part, which stops this becoming apparent through the eventual yield.  I'm not sure if it's always true, though, because sometimes having a lot of muons early on does not help because you are most interested in a very specific subpopulation that can be transported through the later channel.
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-28 09:23:55
Here's the result:
0.658770 (143.5 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> {***} #time=79021; from d:\muon1_results\PhaseRotEb6\v4.4\results_[TA]Amaroque.txt
2007-11-28 22:57:55
Here is what came from the Amaroque's result for now:
0.731904 (725.7 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.731012 (725.3 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.731474 (725.4 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.723113 (749.3 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.728322 (738.7 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>

If somebody is willing to test the above Mpts "theory" please put this results in a fresh .dat file and run it.  Eventualy it will overtake mainstream best result but I cant't compete with it alone... If you have some other results with Mpts/run about 140 or more please post it...

Is it OK with you Stephen ?
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-29 12:17:29
Yes, that's OK.  I kind of hoped that people would form genome sub-pools to a certain extent anyway (mainly offline users and people rotating a private results.dat through their LAN) as it never hurts to explore some off-track areas.
2007-11-29 19:57:29
Some more:
0.754980 (734.7 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> {9BCB832AF092329D304E0A54}
0.759782 (733.0 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> {FC7F1F4D57BBC641E6EC660B}
0.761767 (750.6 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> {090749C5935C5EB7309A86EA}
0.762516 (733.6 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> {EC608E9D3D98A819FDC49752}
0.763314 (733.8 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> {8290BC18348896ED6DCC6A54}
2007-11-29 21:05:19
Seems like heading in right direction

0.761117 (738.8 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.774696 (735.0 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.771336 (148.2 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.775293 (735.5 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>

Please let me know if somebody is using it ?
2007-11-29 21:53:34
high mpts does not always equal better designs for eqample:
-0.595256 (997.9 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb1> {F5D46EB9095E87FDF86DF837}

note that 997.9 is for ONE run, ever wonder what all 999 did?(well almost anyway)
2007-11-29 22:21:56
Of course not.  But high Mpts means (sometimes ?) higher optimization potential.
Cool result anyway
Maybe we shoud start new thread about coolest designs

It just crossed my mind-Stephen, is muon's speed constant ( light speed) or muons travel with different speeds ?  If it is so, than high Mpts can sometames be because of "slow" muons not only because of higher number of them.  Hmm, since we are optimazing an particle accelerator I guess speed is not constant ! 
2007-11-30 11:40:37
0.786414 (744.3 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.778897 (737.4 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.771022 (743.4 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-30 17:32:24
The muon speeds are not constant, in fact they are related to their kinetic energy that I keep quoting in MeV.

1MeV = 13.7%c
2MeV = 19.2%c
5MeV = 29.7%c
10MeV = 40.7%c
20MeV = 54.1%c
50MeV = 73.4%c
100MeV = 85.8%c
150MeV = 91.1%c
200MeV = 93.8%c
250MeV = 95.5%c
500MeV = 98.5%c
1000MeV = 99.5%c

Occasionally there will be a slow (red) muon that wanders around in the channel for a long time.  Generally these won't have a huge effect on the Mpts as there are so few of them, but it will increase it a bit.  More likely the high Mpts suggests a broad channel early on, so when there are most tracks the pions/muons survive for longer.
2007-11-30 20:04:42

0.803637 (746.6 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>
0.804411 (745.5 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> d1l=000;d2l=505;d3l=905;d4l=229;d5l=183;d6l=001;d7l=550;d8l=626;d9l=050;db1l=230;db2l=695;db3l=166;db4l=497;db5l=959;db6l=628;decaycells=000;pd1=289;pd2=604;pd3=293;pd4=731;pd5=828;pd6=401;phaserotcells=473;prf1p=226;prf1v=735;prf2p=163;prf2v=004;prf3p=194;prf3v=201;prf4p=009;prf4v=055;prf5p=107;prf5v=527;prf6p=319;prf6v=775;ps1f=856;ps1l=789;ps2f=989;ps2l=178;ps3f=198;ps3l=902;ps4f=163;ps4l=832;ps5f=006;ps5l=247;ps6f=822;ps6l=733;s1f=981;s1l=658;s2f=040;s2l=611;s2r=726;s3f=032;s3l=144;s3r=940;s4f=407;s4l=070;s4r=489;s5f=847;s5l=414;s5r=608;s6f=724;s6l=187;s6r=994;s7f=863;s7l=407;s7r=552;s8f=656;s8l=173;s8r=514;s9f=130;s9l=695;s9r=815;sb1f=475;sb1l=668;sb1r=390;sb2f=986;sb2l=223;sb2r=283;sb3f=530;sb3l=429;sb3r=596;sb4f=002;sb4l=283;sb4r=722;sb5f=866;sb5l=208;sb5r=556;sb6f=791;sb6l=925;sb6r=566;tantalumrodr=000;tantalumrodz=417;#gen=3;#runs=5;
0.804322 (744.3 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6>

Isn't it cool ?  In two and a half days from Amaroque's 0.65 and well behind mainstream to 0.8 and a bit ahead of mainstream with a single computer (ok, in last day I used additional one).  I think this line can go further because Mpts are not falling-they are acctualy slightly rising and that's good.
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-30 20:52:40
What happens if you now try starting a results.dat with one of your result and one of the other mainstream one.  Do they mix?
2007-11-30 21:28:06
Muah, I dont't want to mix them ! 

Seriously-I think you can check latest results from others and see if there are any mixed ones (how will you recognice mixed ones anyway?)-there have been some of my results in samplefiles for some days.  Maybe check Greta's results ?  On my new coputer I first run line of ~ 0.4 % / 175 Mpts but it stuck around 0.45. So I put some of 140's in it.  175 's didn't develop any further (still around 0.45) but I think it has good influence on 140's. I am getting higher % and better progres from that computer than from other where "pure" line is runing.  But I am latelly mixing it with highest 140's from before mentioned computer so it will get even.

I cant't recall how a functon (or criterium) is called which determines who will go to next generation in GA but I think also something related to Mpts should be included.  I.e. instead of higher muon % is OK, lower is not OK, maybe: higher muon % and higher Mpts is very OK, higher muon % and lower Mpts is not so OK...
2007-11-30 21:30:23
140's are those posted above, acctually they are more 150's than 140's now (745/5=149).
2007-11-30 21:55:28
I think it is also worth to note %/Mpts graphs.  For Eb6 (if you forget colors and note just white where dots are most dense) you can see how Mpts rising follows % rising (on the middle graph).  For example around 0.5-0.6 % there is less results because of jump in %, than there was little % rise till ~0.73% and Mpts is also constant-it actualy tends to drop a bit.  Then came another jump up fortunately...
It is even better seen on Eby5 and Eb1 graph.  It seems that Eb1 can go much higher but it is stalled a bit - maybe you should favor ~ 1.1% / 200 Mpts instead of max% / 190 Mpts in samplefiles. 

To put it in a plain English (got idea right now) - can it (taking Mpts into account) be a way to avoid stucking in LOCAL maximums ?
2007-11-30 22:00:49
This one may be mixed:
0.771758 (512.1 Mpts) [v4.43d] <PhaseRotEb6> #time=79109; by [TA]amd.borg
Stephen Brooks
2007-11-30 23:20:49
Yes, this could be an interesting way of getting out of local maximums, or perhaps more likely "flat" areas in Muon % yield.  The Mpts (quite unintentionally) provides a measure of total number of particles surviving at all stages of the channel, which means it may have more "resolving power" in places where improvements to the early beamline are masked by problems later on.  So it may help blockages in the earlier channel be removed to allow more to go downstream.

If you notice it's possible to change the samplefile you use in config.txt.  I might at some point provide one that gives you the highest Mpts or maybe some combination of that and yield as you suggest.  Changes to the Muon1 program's optimiser may also be possible, though ideally I'd want a "better" way of doing this than relying on Mpts which was supposed to be just a CPU effort measure.  Basically it would be good if it didn't just look at % yield but also tried to find results that were "unusually good" for their location somehow.
2007-12-01 23:27:10
If somebody wants to play - I made an samplefile here;

You can download and rename it to results.dat or copy it into your results.dat file or even change your samplefile URL line in config.txt (if you are running only eb6 latice).  If somebody will do config.txt change I will refresh samplefile from time to time (dayly maybe).  Let me know.

Stephen, please post 0.78 / 170 result.
2007-12-02 06:07:52
tomaz, I'll use.  Have put your ( phaseroteb6.txt ) file into results.dat and see what happens.  Working Ok, though if I change this ---Sample file URL (.bin allowed):{lattice}_100.bin.  to ---Sample file URL (.bin allowed):  I receive a error no lattice found.  What have I done wrong?
2007-12-02 07:08:07
My machine is now running offline since nearly two days.  I'll let it running for a few weeks 24/7 for creating an own 'genome pool'. If anyone wants to share some results with me, contact me: p.p.k[at]
Stephen Brooks
2007-12-02 17:44:52
--[Stephen, please post 0.78 / 170 result.]--

Get it yourself
2007-12-02 20:06:42
That is a very handy thing to have.  Thanks stephen!
2007-12-02 20:27:04
Stephen, this one is No.1 application !

Since we have cool "get it yourself" application now, I will cancel my samplefile posts-it is a bit tedious to pick results out-but from Stephen application it is like a breeze...
2007-12-02 20:59:38
Stephen, lattice name is missing in retrived results from graph.  I get some results from graph and put it in results.dat file but muon1 didn't want to run.  Than I manualy added lattice name and everything is OK...
Stephen Brooks
2007-12-03 01:32:17
Heh, the lattice name was there but your browser thought it was an HTML tag because it was enclosed in <angle> brackets.  I've just fixed that.

Samplefiles compiled according to an alternative rule also serve a purpose though, as you can link the Muon1 client to use them automatically.
2007-12-08 21:58:46
We have quite a good progres, what do you think ?  I am trying to keep my gene pool at as high as possible Mpts (currently around 260)- it worked well so far.  But today I noticed that 1.57%/50 Mpts result on the graph.  And ironicaly-damn thing is mine !  I never expected that old mainstream Mpts levels (~ 80 Mpts) will go beyond 0.8%.
Stephen, can you say what is a main difference between 270 and 50 Mpts design (which parts of the machine)?  From computational point of view it is more fun to have 50's design, you can check 5 designs in time of one 250's... I was preparing to make myself new dat file from few highest Mpts results again but now I am tempted to put in just that 50 one and see what will come out. 
Stephen Brooks
2007-12-09 01:01:55
That result looks weird.  I assume it rechecks OK.  Try running it in graphical mode: do you see anything unusual going on?  (Particles disappearing/reappearing, going outside the channel?)

I wonder if it may also be a bug in the graphing program that put it down there!
2007-12-09 02:43:21
looks like that result has somehow kept runs=5 when its not meant to
2007-12-09 19:04:58
I just noticed that I caused a similar result as well on the eb1 chain.  My 3 results that look so efficient.  %/mpts where I missed deleting the runs=5 before sending a test queue to be run.  So if the run is not as good it just stops and sends it to the results.txt with the runs=5 still there.
Stephen Brooks
2007-12-10 00:25:36
Hmm that's interesting, well it's quite easily fixed.  I'll just strip all the "#" fields when I run a test result.  Thanks for debugging that!  It's hard to replicate all the possible situations on my own.
2007-12-10 07:35:37
Yes, it must happend the way Waffle said.  That result have 250 mpts in one run, not in five. 
Anyway, it seems that "mpts theory" works.  Since I made new .dat from few highest mpts results there was a progres.  I just send results, 172% / 280 mpts.  Ok, I gave it a bit of help too.  I mixed AMD Borg's highest % result with my highest mpts result (took d1 to d9 values from Borg).  Result was bit lower % than Borgs but with high mpts.  In a day or two it envolved nicely.
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