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2003-11-03 14:54:34
I know Stephan Brooks isn't responsible for the Linux port of Manualsend, but I was wondering if anyone else had any problems with it.  Every time I run it I get a Segment Fault.

I tryed to send the results file with 4.32e windows version but apparently it doesn't support the send of SolenoidsOnly results files.  Anyone have a copy of a manual send for windows that does support it?
2003-11-03 22:24:30
The older clients can be found here.
You will need one of the v431 versions.
2003-11-03 23:52:25
I was actualy able to do it with the 4.32e windows client.  I just copied the SolenoidsOnly.txt from the lattices folder on the linux box over to the lattices folder in the 4.32e's folder on the windows box and then sent the results file via that Big Grin
Stephen Brooks
2003-11-04 00:23:18
You can upload results by hand: just download and use the username/password combinations there to log into an FTP server.  Then locate the version directory (with the same name as the thing in square brackets, like "v4.32e") and upload your file to that, with its name changed to date-time-randomchars-modified_username.txt (see the other filenames on the servers).

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
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