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2005-06-13 12:49:59
I seem to be having a problem with the stats machine, I have noticed the number of completed reslts going down on a few occaisinons.  I'd guess there's been about 200 results over the past week - not a huge number, but I'm wondering where they're going.  Username is monkeyboy.  Thanks!
2005-06-13 12:51:04
Sorry, meant this to go to the bug reports board.
Stephen Brooks
2005-06-14 09:41:52
1. Have these been small decreases for you (2 or 3?  One flush?  Half your total?) That will give me some idea what kind of bug to look for.

2. Moving to bugs forum.
2005-06-14 10:04:57
It's been small losses over the past week, and I probably have missed some here and there.  I should be turning in between 80 - 100 results per day, and I don't think my total is much higher than it was a week ago.  I have refreshed and notice results going down by 50 to 100. I think that's happened like three times this week, but I could be off on the frequency.  The last time I noticed it was when I posted the initial message of this thread.  Let me know if there's any other info I can provide, thanks for looking into it.
Stephen Brooks
2005-06-16 01:26:14
Are units still being received (and your score increased) as normal between the decreases?

I just found that some "duplicates" have been removed from your file over the last few weeks, see graph:

The highest spikes are about 90 results, the number shown at the top is the total removed.

I'll just go and check the log some more to see if those really _were_ duplicates...

[edit] OK, looks like they were really duplicated (identical) results, at least from this end.  What I think might have happened is that the Muon1 result-sending routine on your computer might have sent the file to a server, but was unable to confirm the file went through, so sent the same ones again to a different server.  That means I received it twice, and the points were added on twice and then one removed.
2005-06-16 07:48:12
Ok, all of that makes sense then, the timing and number of units is about what I was seeing.  The results do go up as expected in between the dips.  Let me know if there's anything I can/should do on my end to avoid sending dups.  Thanks for checking into this!
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