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2006-10-03 17:12:07
On one of my computers I've noticed a file called overflow.txt and was curious how I should treat this file.  It appears to be a glob of results upon a quick look at it and I'm not sure if I should send these in or not.  I've never seen this file before in any of my systems that I can recall and would like a quick word of advise on how to tackle this enigma.  Oh, it's 21 MB in size too.  hehe
Stephen Brooks
2006-10-03 17:28:16
It's an intermediate file the HTTP result sender generates when it takes the first 100KB or so of results off the beginning of your results.txt.  It ought to be renamed back to results.txt after it's generated so the sender can continue sending pieces.  Maybe you should rename it results.txt and try to send?  Though I don't know why you would have 21MB of results stacked up!
2006-10-03 18:27:48
It's a computer that's been disconnected from the network for the last month or so sitting in my basement.  When I get home from work tonight I'll rename it and send it in.  I just didn't want to do that if it was just gonna be 21 megs of duplicates.  Thanks Stephen!  =)
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