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2002-12-10 00:48:57
Stephen, I presume that the 'last time played on this board' indication actually indicates the last time anyone played on this board.  Would it be a good idea to change that to 'last time anyone played or posted a message in the chatbox'?  That way, one could let others know someone wants to play.  After I place a piece on the board, I can just sit and wait for someone to appear, there's no other way I can let people know I'm still waiting to play if it's been a while.
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-10 16:32:10
You mean make it the time since the most recent modification (either message or piece played)?  OK then.  I'll do that before I go to sleep.

OK it seems to work now.  Say if there appear to be any boogs.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-12 01:05:39
Thank you for doing this (and so fast!) just because I asked!  I hope you slept well.
2002-12-30 04:56:50
Stephen, since I've been a good girl and registered, I feel entitled to ask you for something again.
Could you make a link back to the game overview page on the 'Congratulations!  You have won'-page?
And, I suppose, on the 'you lose'-page, but then I don't get to see it all that often wink

After playing a game, I like to look at the stats and gloat, and pick a new victim.
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-30 06:29:10
I know this isn't obvious, but you can return from one of the board-pages to the board-selection screen at any time by clicking on the lower-half of the banner picture at the top (on the subtitle bit that says "Browser Wars").  Clicking on the upper 2/3rds will take you all the way up to the root page.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-30 07:15:43
Wow.  It works.  Far out.
Do you think anyone figures this out by themself?  Well, I guess this means many people must be smarter than me wink

Oh well.  Just one more thing.  If the lower half takes you to Browser war, and the upper two thirds take you to the index, how does the third one-sixth from below know which of these you want?
roll eyes
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-30 08:47:38
Erm... confused Well I think you've got me there.

The "half" was counting table-elements (one of two) and the "2/3rds" was counting vertical length!

Quite a few websites use "clicking on the title banner" as a way back to the root page - in fact when a site has a title banner that does not do this I'm fairly confused as to how to get back to the top.  Many extend this idea when there are sub-sections by having the section name take you back up one level, which is what I did, but because it looks exactly like the non-sub-section parts where this doesn't work, it's trickier to figure out.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-30 11:12:27
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Quite a few websites use "clicking on the title banner" as a way back to the root page

You're right, of course.  It's just the 'one banner, two links'-bit that hadn't occurred to me.
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