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Book'em Dano
2002-12-15 10:17:11
As of 12-15-02 10:15 PST Opera's now tops Mozilla's.
2002-12-15 23:52:19
They've been going back and forth for at least a week now.  And as of this posting, Mozilla's is better than Opera's.

(I play with Opera, just pointing this out)
Book'em Dano
2002-12-16 12:43:08
I'll take you at your word for it.  I've been playing everday for weeks and have never seen Opera take the percentage lead after Mozilla has established it.  Its the only way I know that someday Moz's overall wins will be second to Opera's.

Does anybody know if particpating in, but not finishing a game, counts against an icon?  I'm assuming it does.  If so, wouldn't Opera players be better served only playing in games that they know they'll finish.  I mean what's the point in starting a board and walking away only to see Moz and IE thrash it out and have Opera take the loss along with the real loser.
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-16 17:46:24
If one Opera plays more than three pieces on the board, they will be considered a participant, so will carry the loss along with the others.  Just playing one or two squares won't make this happen though.

I'll increase the number of decimal places on those percentages to 2 for now so you can see in more detail how far apart these are.

Well that's just my luck: the Opera and Moz scores were so close as to be indistinguishable to 2dp (cutoff not rounded) as well.  The scores were:
Opera 6 45.489%
Mozilla 45.483%

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-23 09:03:30
For shame Opera!  Right now, the top three are Mozilla at 47.337%, IE 4 at 45.1%, and Opera 6 at 44.371%. Are you really going to let MSIE 4 beat Opera?
2002-12-28 14:12:52
He I just played Dillo's 100st game and the highest percentage overall smile
2002-12-28 15:44:43
All the way up to 48.8% smile Comming from 27 someting now 53.6% smile

[This message was edited by EdBug on 2002-Dec-29 at 4:32.]
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