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2002-10-29 06:58:56
The front page still says Oct 27, but it's really from Oct 29. smile

The mark of an educated man is one who knows a lot about something, and a little about everything.
2002-10-29 08:28:58
Can I just keep putting best 250s in front of my results file?  I mean, would it choke if I had 2 best 250s, plus the most recent best 1000?

Hanser, do you hail to Ars?

De Bug
2002-10-29 09:57:20
You can keep adding new 250best results to what you have already accumulated.  The effect of this will be such that your new results will be slightlly more biased to your older (that are not the best ones) results and your chances to generate the best result will be slightlly less than if you replace your old results.dat with the newest 250best results.  However have in mind that FORTUNATE combination of several not very good results (e.g. your older results) can accidentally produce the best result that would be impossible to get from 250best results. 

So it's up to you what you choose.  This is very much like choosing between 250 best and 1000 best results: 250best is more biased to what we have the best to the moment and the new results we expect from it will likelly be very much like what we have already.  On the other hand choosing 1000best can suddenlly point us to some new possibilities that would not be possible with 250best results but it is less likelly to come across such fortune smile
2002-10-29 13:11:19
Originally posted by Me@Home:

Hanser, do you hail to Ars?



The mark of an educated man is one who knows a lot about something, and a little about everything.
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