stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1GeneralSeeding of Linac900Removable6
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2008-08-21 17:50:39
It is so tempting to seed Linac900Removable6 with results from Linac900Removable1. Do you, Stephen, have any objections, or would you rather this design find its own optimization?
Stephen Brooks
2008-08-22 12:13:39
I think the point of the having the -1 and -6 lattices were that you could use a converter to seed one from the other.  I now realise I didn't post a converter here for the "Removable" lattices (although it's a trivial modification to the Linac88MHz900MeV one).  So here it is.
2008-08-22 19:26:03
Thanks, Stephen.
Stephen Brooks
2008-08-26 11:12:52
Ah, I see you've done this (judging by the graph).
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