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2005-12-08 00:16:21
Hi, when I run muon as a service in WinXP, the results are not send when it reaches 100kb, it just keeps growing on multiple machines.  Any idea what I should change to get this ti work?

2005-12-08 02:03:09
Ha no prob anymore.. Wink Got ot working!

Hey Stephen, long time since I stopped by, glad to see all is still up and running!

I'll be putting a few machines on DPAD now that SETI is ending.. gotto get back to the top!  Cool

2005-12-08 09:06:44
ending?  never really got going.  At its height, it was still only processing about 5% of the data the now 10yo META array over at harvard is doing at the same time.
2005-12-08 12:29:48
Roll Eyes lol whatevar..
Stephen Brooks
2005-12-09 02:10:13
Hello.  Yes, you probably came back to see [TA]z dominating the project all of a sudden...
2005-12-11 10:17:34
lol Yeah.. mmm I could challenge ol z.. But I'm a bit devided between a couple of projects for now.. Smile
2005-12-15 09:56:02
More people need to realize that SETI is worthless and switch to DPAD Big Grin *duck*
2005-12-15 18:43:57
Hey, I used to crunch SETI on all my machines a long time ago.  While I am not bashing the worth of the project... one thought drew me away from SETI and brought me to more tangible projects.

If there is life out there and they are more advanced... who says they're using electromagnetic waves (like we are) for communication?  Wouldn't you think they've thought of a better way?  While the project may still serve some purpose... hearing radio waves emitted by Saturn is still pretty darn cool!
2005-12-16 16:43:53
A few points Smile
If we don't look we won't find
Our search will improve over time.
Using radio waves is valid for searching for civilisations around our level of technology.

*me whacks him with Rays cane* Wink

You've misunderstood what he said ,S@H overall isn't ending ,but S@H1 is ending & has been replaced by S@H2 using BOINC.
The search continues Smile

Anyway ,way off topic Wink
2005-12-19 06:04:10
Strange but SETI was my first distributed computing project that I spent more than a few years on.  Then went to a few other smaller ones before settling on DPAD.
2005-12-19 10:14:17
assimilator1 - I know exactly what he meant, I was being facecious.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the SETI prorgam itself, I'm a big fan, but that SETI@home is a misguided calamatous waste of resources.  It uses more resources, and covers a lot less of a frequency range, and processes a lot slower, than projects many years older. 

Hell, i'm not even sure why they're using aracebo, as, to my mind, a series of smaller scops spread out, and using base-line interferometry would yield much greater results.  (BLI is a methos where if you connect two or more scopes spread apart, you end up with one scope the effective size of the seperation between them - its how the VLA in scirocco, NM works)

As It happens, I'm planning on building, (and offering for sale) my own 5m radio scopes, Stephen did in fact help me with some of the design calaculations a while back.
2005-12-19 13:50:22
Well, as I said I really didn't mean to knock the project (if anyone took it that way).  I have processed thousands of units for seti@home (a small number by comparison I am sure)... it just seems like with all that work ongoing, there is very little news from the project.
Stephen Brooks
2005-12-20 07:40:40
Even I did SETI for a while back in (1999?) or so.  However, I'm getting the distinct impression that there aren't any intelligent civilisations within the currently visible universe.  Even if they were only a few thousand years ahead of us we should be seeing rather peculiar things where they have modified their region of space, sent out probes etc. I think, under the assumption that the universe is infinite, that there are other civilisations, but the light from them has not had time to reach us yet.  This is actually a good thing as it means we essentially have the visible universe "all to ourselves" rather than suddenly coming up against a point where the Klingons(!) or whoever lay their claim.
2005-12-20 23:29:50
Now that most certainly brings up some interesting questions itself… that light from other regions of space has not had time to reach us yet… however, I am thinking in the context of visible light.

Several problems arise with that being that we know dust, gas and plasma can all absorb wavelengths from infrared to ultraviolet… all the way up to gamma.  So just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. 

What about other objects that bend and contort light over distances?  A lunar eclipse will show you that the sun’s gravity does in fact distort the position of stars in it’s background.

In my opinion, that’s the one flaw I have read in the Seti project notes.  It’s almost an assumption that a radio wave will travel unimpeded in a straight line undergoing frequency shift as it travels great distances.  While this may be true most of the time, what about contortions to the electromagnetic spectrum that will seriously distort the waves even so much so that we can only detect them as meaningless static?

So I question myself how useful it is to search for that one signal that could have traveled many thousands, perhaps millions of light years… and managed to miss every interstellar object along the way.
Stephen Brooks
2005-12-21 05:56:01
The stars of our Galaxy aren't dense enough to bend the majority of light rays around.  There are occasional "lensing events" where this does happen as a star passes in front of another object, but these are rare.  If you go to larger distances, towards the edge of the universe, galaxies *do* start to bend a large proportion of light rays, but SETI isn't expecting to look that far out (I think it was concentrating on sources in our own Galaxy).

The bending via a distant intermediary object won't change the wavelength overall because conservation of energy means that the blueshift it gained as it fell into the gravitational well is cancelled by the redshift on climbing back out.

My argument about the "currently visible universe" just referred to the light travel time of 13.7 billion years (independent of wavelength etc.).  I think it's quite plausible that intelligent life relied on a coincidence so unlikely that there will not be another instance within that volume, but will be outside it.
2005-12-21 12:08:30
I would just like to note that I obviously have no formal training in this area.  However, I am fascinated by the topic a great deal and spend a lot of time reading, reading, and reading some more... so I appreciate the responses!
2005-12-21 14:06:42
Is it not likely that any other intelligent life forms, only evolved intelligence through competition, and similarly have similar instincts to human and other animal lifeforms on Earth.  A finite lifespan being a necessary requisite to most evolutionary models, and that ever increasing longevity, coupled with increasing energy consumption, would lead to the pressing solution of domestic problems (health / environment), at the expense of fundamental science,leading to the plateau in research as we are witness to today.  I know I am anthropomorphising any potential alien life form, but is that not what all SF writers have been doing.
Stephen Brooks
2005-12-22 06:05:59
Species that invest only in domestic problems will get exactly the mediocrity they deserve.
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