stephenbrooks.orgForumTalkMallardsShould Tom King be closed?
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Stephen Brooks
2004-08-18 10:13:53
Tom King hasn't been used much by our forum members of late so I wondered if he should be shut down.
2004-08-18 10:56:38
Tom is a beak.
2004-08-18 13:18:09
He should be pushed, by any means, to make this forum more active.
2004-08-18 13:21:44
And will you please keep your hands of my nick!  Mad
Stephen Brooks
2004-08-20 02:02:24

Sorry- your avatar tempted me to change your name to match it.

I will show Tom this thread and see if it encourages him to post here again.

Ooh - 2 votes for shutting him down against one for not.  Hmm.  Maybe I'll have to wait a while to see how this turns out.
Stephen Brooks
2004-08-21 04:25:01
Tom's latest two statuses on MSN have been:

"Tom has been replaced by a lump of coal.  Let's see if he notices"


"Tom is a wholly owned subsiduary of Parroflex, INC"
Lord Groundhog
2004-08-31 12:28:09
Wouldn't it be better to apply for lottery money to have him renovated?  That way he could remain open.  He could apply to be the next film set for a James Bond film, like the Millenium Dome.  If that doesn't work out, perhaps he could be re-zoned by the council for another use -- say, as a duck's ice-skating rink, or a factory for motor-bike ashtrays.
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