stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1GeneralIllegal Operation on Win 98 SE
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2004-08-21 20:53:36
I have an old computer that I've tried to install Moun on and when ever I start the program, it says that its performed and illegal operation.  Its really old as I said (124 MB RAM, 400 MHz, Win 98 SE, and it was free) has anyone had the same problem or know a possible solution? 


2004-08-22 02:21:48
I have the same problem on both my win98 SE comps and others on this board have described this problem too.
Seems like it doesn't happen to every win98 comp though.

(wasn't it something AMD specific?)
Stephen Brooks
2004-08-23 02:37:15
Your computer is almost exactly the same as my home PC!  (Though I have 256MB of RAM).  I'd say 128MB was a little low, if anything, though I'll see if I can upload a debugging version so you may see what the error is.
Stephen Brooks
2004-08-23 02:45:02
Here it is (just the EXE).  Using this, unless it's a _really_ nasty crash, a box ought to appear with line numbers in it when it crashes.  This might appear behind the fullscreen if you're using the graphical version, so in that case you could use Alt-Tab or Ctrl-Alt-Del to switch to another task and make it visible.

Instant crashing can also be a sign of a missing or malformed file.  Make sure you're extracting everything from the archive including folder names; also you could try moving your results.dat and .txt files somewhere else to see if a corruption in one of them is causing the crash.
2004-08-23 03:38:19
On one of my win98 comps I ran the debugging version.
When running muon1.exe or muon1_cmdline.bat, I see a popup with:

Exception 0xc000001d
Address 0x448127

However, when I ran muon1_background.exe, I didn't see anything.  When I tried to shut that one down though, Win98 said the program didn't respond.

I don't know the exact specifications of this comp, but if you want to know I'll restart it later today.
Stephen Brooks
2004-08-23 06:38:52
Oh.  That's pretty useless debugging (no line numbers).  I get that sort of error when there's a "buffer overrun" type of problem.  Try creating a subdirectory called "Tech" in your Muon1 folder (I sometimes make debugging files appear in there - it's worth a try - otherwise I can add another level of debugging to see what's going on).
2004-08-23 07:25:25
The Tech dir stayed empty...

Info on the comp:
Win98 SE (4.10.2222 A)
150MHz Intel Pentium (I'm sure it's 150Mhz, but the Intel is a slight guess)
Stephen Brooks
2004-08-26 06:41:19
Ah, just realised the newer version of the compiler is duff (I've told them about the bug).  A debug version compiled with the old version is attached.
2004-08-26 10:35:48
I had to type this over, but I believe it's faultless (I three-double checked the line numbers):
lcc runtime: GP fault.
Stack trace:
0 readmuon1config [27] d:\sjb39\muon1\muon1.c 32
1 SBCLIB_main2 [9] d:\sjb39\muon1\muon1.c 68
2 WinMain [0] d:\sjb39\muon1\muon1.c 59
Current instruction: 0x448209
2004-08-26 11:42:06
Hmmz.  By 'three-double' I meant 'triple'...
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