stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1GeneralPossible Teams?
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2002-07-08 07:38:38
Just a thought,
Would it be possible to have teams, because I know me and a few friends all do this project, and it would be cool to be a team, and compete against other groups of people!

Did I upload my new kernal release?
--The dying thoughts of a nerd
2002-07-08 16:21:02
Teams are probably a bad idea.  The problems with the stats box takes up 2/3 of the traffic in's mailing list.  It is a cause of more problems then it is worth for a small project like this.  There isn't anything stopping you from forming a team and keeping your own stats but Stephen's time could be better spent elsewhere im my humble opinion.  big grin

Stephen Brooks
2002-07-09 06:01:51
I had an idea a while ago that I could detect when people put something in [brackets] after their name and automatically compile a list of teams like that.  Unfortunately the conventions about what team names and brackets people use seem to vary rather a lot for this to work.  I'd also need to program a utility to allow people to change their stats names here as well as for subsequent results.  I.e. something that will change their user.txt but also upload a signal packet to the muon server which will tell me that I need to rename and/or concatenate some text files.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
kruemi [Swissteam.NET]
2002-07-09 06:45:41
For a first step, it might be helpful, to just put the raw-date of the stats on the page, so the teams could download them and do it's own stats with the data.

The problem with stats, and dnet is, that the stats are the only thin, that the users can see!  What else should they discuss about?



Don't read this.  And neither this!
2002-07-09 06:46:16
I tend to agree to pben´s opinion, but if it can be done "automatically" it´s o.k.

More important is a clean/reliable statistics table.
I detected two types of "strange results"
a) total sum of particles simulated with odd value (last figure) ???
b) results (sum of build 4...) > (total particles/20936)
f.e. pos 22) David Powell; 35) HETTALONGUN; 41) Techi

Would be nice to get it clarified
Stephen Brooks
2002-07-09 06:51:24
I did a check through the files here and have removed some errors from some of them.  A few files come back with really strange corruptions that I currently have to remove by hand, and I suspect that's what corrupts the stats table.  In 10 minutes it'll upload again and I'll see if those have been cleaned up.

The "results rot" is particularly annoying - I'm going to look back through genome.c (which I think is the file causing it in the Muon results) to see if I can see any errors.  Other than that I might make a more robust "results cleaner" that'll just remove anything that's not in the correct format and leave the correct stuff on the disk.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-07-09 07:53:13
Originally posted by kruemi [Swissteam.NET]:
For a first step, it might be helpful, to just put the raw-date of the stats on the page, so the teams could download them and do it's own stats with the data.

That is up now.  I couldn't upload it as a CSV file because awkward people might put a comma in their username, so it's TAB-separated.  The first line is a header, the others can be read in from C with scanf(file,"%d\t%d\t%d\t... etc. %f\n",var1,var2... etc. ,muons); Perl and PHP should also have no trouble parsing this.  The URL is

It looks manky I know but that's just because of the way TAB stops are displayed on the screen.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
kruemi [Swissteam.NET]
2002-07-09 08:35:10
Wow.. great!
I'll take a look at it and if i can do som php to make stats for teams out of it...



Don't read this.  And neither this!
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