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2006-04-10 05:28:23
will it be worthwhile uploading the 12.5meg results.txt?
Stephen Brooks
2006-04-10 08:35:04
I don't see why not...
2006-04-11 07:01:59
I love finding forgotten boxen!

Found one today... unfortunately it had also been in non-on mode for the last two months Frown

Enjoy your dumpage.  Smile
Stephen Brooks
2006-04-12 12:35:40
I still get occasional results from very old versions of Muon1 - like years old!  Actually I'm now running a version uptake plot to see exactly what ancient versions still are being used...

[edit] and here it is:
2006-04-12 21:38:52
It would be really nice for a future version (5.0 ?) to have the ability to automatically update itself and maybe a setting in there to turn on that could automatically send in an email once a week or so to send in stats to the owner of that particular box.  Something like that would be helpful for people with lots of boxes hidden around thier families / work so that they can know if something amiss is going on with a computer somewhere or if they have forgotten to uninstall it for some reason.  I can't program anything more than simple mortgage calculators etc and then only in Visual Basic so I'm not sure if those ideas are too far out there to attempt but maybe if you started a thread for possible abilities of the next version "Dream List" you might get some ideas that could really help.  Wink
Stephen Brooks
2006-04-13 02:48:29
Auto-update is already on there (currently filed under "v4.5" though that is subject to change).  What would you want in the e-mails - just a notification that that particular box was still up, or do you actually want the cached results.txt sent across for some reason?
2006-04-13 07:55:50
Having the auto-update feature is going to be extremely nice.  As far as the email notification, I was just thinking of it as an optional setting that could be turned on that might have a couple of basic settings for itself.
Something like.  . .

Auto-send E-mail ([Y]es, [N]o): Y
E-mail address:
Auto-send E-mail interval (days): 3
Include Highest Result Score since last email?  ([Y]es, [N]o): Y
Include number of crashes / errors?  ([Y]es, [N]o): Y
Name this particular box for email purposes.: Brothers-P4

Maybe some method of calculating Muon Points an hour or something for that machine to be included also.  With my own heartaches in the past with different boxes that I put muon on that weren't owned by me but by family & friends something like this could be helpful for addressing a dead box or one that is crashing all the time and irritating the owner of that particular box.  Like I said, I don't know if these features would make your hair start falling out at a quicker rate or not so if they are not something simple to add than just have me committed to an insane asylum.  Roll Eyes Thanks for taking an interest Stephen.  Wink
Stephen Brooks
2006-04-18 04:44:43
Getting a program to diagnose its own crashes is hard, for obvious reasons.  It almost sounds like a modification of *muon1bench* would do what you want, though!  (Provided SMTP isn't too hard a protocol to figure out).  Because then it would run independently and tell you if Mpts had stopped being produced for some reason.  Another possibility is that you get in touch with whoever made MuonMonitor etc. and ask them about e-mail monitoring features.
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