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2003-10-26 04:01:09
Hi Stephen.
I have a question?  For the last eight hours using Muon1_cmdline all I see in processing data is a statement (rechecking quarantined results).  This is the Eight time around!  Using (432eb2).. Nothing seems to have been added to Results.dat or Results.txt.  Thought ln Queue.txt all I see is one entry, final number of (9.466111).  I have not come across this before!  Is this what is suppose to happen?  With this 2.2 gig thing I have I seem to take an hour to do what ever???
PS Just restarted to see what happens.

Life the Universe and Everything!
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-26 08:15:39
v4.32 beta 2 was dodgy and in that other v4.32e thread I said don't send in any results using it becuase there was a glitch in the results-writing (except to results.dat).  beta 3 has some problem with the config-file name.  It's probably better to use d until I test and release e properly.

On the other hand what you're having could be caused just by having an extra carriage-return or something in the wrong place in queue.txt.  If you e-mail me your results.txt, .dat and queue.txt files I'll be able to check if that's the case.

On the other other hand, you might be using beta 3 already, without a config file, or maybe with a config file that it's misread and it's got the queue-runs set to 2147 million or something silly.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
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