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2002-11-03 06:40:54
I started my own muon proxy met subteam stats etc. At for my own team Clan_Delft.

But now I'm saving and saving and looking for an option to send my results to your ftp?

The name of your files is:

But wat is the code is it special or just to make the files different?

Stephen Brooks
2002-11-03 12:48:24
Well I certainly didn't write Muon Proxy.  Someone else did.  Actually so far that program has caused quite a bit of trouble because it submits duplicated results...

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-03 13:38:27
I don't mean muon proxy, i wrote my own proxy but i ahve now to send my proxy results to you...

I can do that with FTP but what does the 5 characters mean in the file name?
2002-11-03 14:01:20
I heard on a Dutch forum that the magical code from 5 characters is a random, so you can expect a lot of muons bij Clan_Delft
Zph [Team WAU]
2002-11-04 00:25:07
Better late than never, the exact lay-out (taken from sendresults.c):


so that's YYYYMMDD-hhmmss-xxxxx-teamname

YYYYMMDD = YearYearYearYearMonthMonthDayDay
hhmmss = HoursMinutesSeconds
xxxxx = 5 random characters (to make every file unique, combined with the time-stamp this is 99.9% foolproof)
teamname = taken from your user.txt, spaces (32) replaced with an underscore,
was interested in this myself because I'll make a php/mysql proxy for the stats for Team Wau when I have time
Zph [Team WAU]
2002-11-04 00:34:04
seeing you already worked out the proxy, can you (or anyone) tell me what "get signal.dat" is for?  Doesn't seem to have any 'vital' information in it?  Is it just used for general messaging?
Team WAU
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-04 06:42:59
That's for when I release a new version (and it comes out of beta): the file changes to show the new version number and a short bit of text saying why you should upgrade to it.  The Muon program then produces a message-box (or a message printed on the screen in the graphical version) alerting you of this fact.

Also that file is used to verify that you actually _did_ make contact with the FTP server.  If it isn't downloaded the program renames the results file back to results.txt and does another simulation.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
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