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Tom King
2002-10-01 04:35:11
2002-10-01 05:07:50
Liquid nitrogen may cause condensation of water!

Member of - German Website about Distributed Computing Projects

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
Tom King
2002-10-01 08:56:44
ErEr DUCKS may cause BREAD SHORTAGES or MAINS SHORTAGES depending on where they're put. 

ErErr liquid nitrogen can cause ODDNESS.  On the tiles outside the biology building today there was a BOC (British Oxygen Company) delivering liquid err liquid nitrogen (Err they must have diversified).  Because biologists are MANGY they don't have liquid nitrogen on tap like we do, they have to have DEWARS ERR DEWARS filled up from the truck outside and then wheeled in.  There was a bloke with ODD METAL HOSES (err odd metal ducks) and lots of nitrogen vapour was swirling around and then he accidentally knocked over a DEWAR ERR DEWAR and lots of liquid nitrogen went sloshing around but soon evaporated in the sunlight but it looked kinda odd. 

ErERR I either have a really crap physics tutor or his mind's on other things.

Him: This is really easy to do.  Look, you just intergrate this function like this and get...wait...that's not going to be right.  Hmm..what've I done here.....

Me: You've differentiated it. 

ErErR my maths tutors odder hes RUSSIAN and I can't understand a WORD he says and he has odd loopy handwriting and so I can't understand what he writes either. 

The chemists are just bonkers. 

ERrr and the DUCKS are just GREEN and made of GLUE. 

The ducks are green, and made of glue.
I just don't know what I can do.
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-03 11:43:03
Tom King
2002-10-06 14:30:25
You know, I really like carpet.
2002-10-07 00:46:30
At night it's colder than outside.  Although there is no liquid nitrogen, just air.  wink

Member of - German Website about Distributed Computing Projects

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
Tom King
2002-10-07 05:47:54
Parse, parse.
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-08 14:09:18
An unsuccessful conversation with John Szurko.

scrutney_mallard: Quack, quack, quack, 
scrutney_mallard: WHAT THE HELL?
scrutney_mallard: No doodle today
scrutney_mallard: That's odd.  I started up the conversation and it automatically had Doodle in it
scrutney_mallard: and it obviously didn't automatically have John in it
pascal_25de: Good evening.  How are you?
scrutney_mallard: Yellow

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-11 04:16:50
Originally posted by Thomas King:
You know, I really like carpet.

Carpet.  Meh.
Tom King
2002-10-13 16:41:39
Well Err odd errr.  That odd synthetic carpet that you get everywhere is actually rather interesting.  The individual fibres (I don't quite know what they're made of, I could look it up and appear intelligent but I can't be bothered) are actually translucent if you look at them carefully enough.  And being translucent, they therefore have the expected optical properties.  They (the carpet makers) found that if you used cylindrical fibres, they actually acted like lenses and magnified any dirt that was in the carpet, making it look manky.  They therefore odded around with square, hexagonal, triangular FIBRES ERRR FIBRES before settling on a sort of triangular one that has inwardly curving sides.  Err the fibres also have microchannels running down inside them that are rougly of the same size as the wavelentgh of light so they scatter the light before it has a chance to hit the DIRT ERR DIRT and the carpet looks much cleaner.  The effect is actually quite noticible, my tutor has a doormat thats made mainly of cylindrical fibres but has the company that made it's name on in ODD fibres and you can see the name stands out looking almost totally clean whereas the rest of the carpet is all MANKY and GRUNGY.
2002-10-14 01:39:47
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Originally posted by Thomas King:
You know, I really like carpet.

Carpet.  Meh.

Sheep.  Meh.  Meh.  big grin

Member of - German Website about Distributed Computing Projects

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
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