stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Generalto stephen: after repairing error ; points missing??
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2002-10-27 09:15:23
after you repaired the particals error, we ( [DPC]Clan of ToeT seem te be missing particals.  yesterdayevening we had 383 results in version 4.2 and now only 99??
also during the rest of last week we build it up to 380+ results.  this morning @ 1:00 AM (CET) I flushed 1 results resulting in the statserror but after that I alreadey sent a couple more results.  would you give us the points back?
teh results resulting in a error had a muon yield of about 2.85% I remember.

[DPC]Clan of ToeT/br
Opera user
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-27 09:56:12
Originally posted by [DPC]wwwouter:
after you repaired the particals error, we ( [DPC]Clan of ToeT seem te be missing particals.  yesterdayevening we had 383 results in version 4.2 and now only 99??

250 of your results were the best250 that you'd uploaded by mistake.  You should add that file to results.DAT not results.txt.  So in fact you really do only have as many results as it shows.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-27 09:59:09
hmm strange ,sorry for the inconvenience then.

but can you then explain why the points wich should come with the top 250 results.txt, was given during a statsrun last night and not before when we already had flushed this amount of results (approx 380)??  before that statruns we were un the top10 of DPC and now somewhere around place 15. saturday @ 1 AM we had 41667414 results and now we have less while we have flushed the whole weekend
you can see this[DPC]Clan%20of%20ToeT our increase in results was 24-10-2002 but the huge amount of points was given during a statsrun today.  furthermore toy can see at the stats page of DukeBox (given in the link) that the best moun yield we have produced wasnt changed when the huge amount of results were uploaded.  which gives me the impression that we didn't uploaded a best of results file containing the 250 best results because our best muon yield should be much higher then.  [/edit]

[DPC]Clan of ToeT

[This message was edited by [DPC]wwwouter on 2002-Oct-27 at 18:20.]

[This message was edited by [DPC]wwwouter on 2002-Oct-27 at 18:22.]
[DPC] TeamBVD - Floppus
2002-10-27 11:43:50

As a fellow DPC member I really must say I think you have some nerve first making a dumb mistake, and then asking why your statistics don't match... |
I think you have caused enough extra work for Stephen as it is...

Just my 2 (Euro)cents... wink

2002-10-27 12:23:49
as you can see when you take a look at our history @ the statspage of DukeBox; you'll see that the uploading of many results (resulting in the amount of 380+) happened days before we got the huge amount of points (I believe it was about 60 billion ( which happened during a statsrun saturdaynight)).  I know that this amount of points is wrong , e.g. we don't have that much computers running on muon for a far as I know and I strongly believe it is correct that our amount of points is corrected.  but: now we have less points as we had at the end of friday, while i did flush some results during this weekend.
if in the amount of flushed results a top250 would accidentaly be appended, our total amount of points should be given a couple of days earlier, in any case not on saturdaynight.  that's why it sounds strange to me & I'm asking these questions.

if the increase of our results ( from 58 to 380) & points were on the same day, we all could clearly see that we made a mistake from our side.  as this is not the case , the increase of results en the huge increase of points are separated by 2 days.  That's why I'm asking how this could have happened

[DPC]Clan of ToeT
Opera user
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-27 13:12:09
The Muon program does not re-count the whole stats file every time it receives a file - just the new section.  The very large stats anomalies are usually caused by the pairs of lines getting in the wrong order.  I think your dump in which you sent the best250 also ended halfway-through a first line (I saw this, in fact), so you first sent "1212...121" and then later on sent "12...12". I was fixing bugs in the stats engine at this point and recounted all users' files a few days ago, at which point it read "1212...12112...12" and gave you erroneous statistics (i.e. massively high).  The best250 isn't worth billions on its own!

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-27 13:43:15
Hi Stephen,

I miss 125.157.844 particals.
Can you tell me what was my mistake?

Stephen Brooks
2002-10-27 14:17:07
A single glitch in your stats file - I've now removed it.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
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