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2002-10-22 06:10:40
I'm a member of team [DPC] and I would like to make an own team stats page.  I have done some copy/paste in Exel and came to the next result: [DPC] team stats. Now this isn't the easiest way of making stats, I know but lack of time played parts.  I'm wondering if there are others who have made team stats and how they were made.  If some one can help me out a bit it would be nice.
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-22 07:21:21
Woah.  MS Excel does HTML export that actually WORKS.  Nice.

As for team stats, I provide a Tab-separated raw data file for people who know something about PHP or Perl to make their own stats-page generator on their server.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-22 23:35:06
kpostuma: DPC has some of the best stats, PERIOD, in other projects (notably the dnet projects).  Can't you give one of them a holler?

Someone is working on some stats for TAM, but no clue on when or if they will get done.

If you know PHP or Perl you can use the .txt file stats that Stephen just mentioned and script up a pretty quick and easy stats page (though 'quick and easy' is definitely relative to your experience and skill with the langauge in question).

Ars Technica
Team Atomic Milkshake
2002-10-23 03:07:29
But any programming skill put aside - this fast shot of yours looks DAMN good, Kpostuma...
Gerald *jealous* *gg*
[DPC] Jive
2002-10-23 03:23:06
On a sidenote ...

Maybee a date/time field alnog with the stats ...
So u have a way of determining updates & progress ?
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-23 04:42:52
Poll the "file modified" attribute omn rawstats.txt.  That gives you the time it was last updated.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-23 10:05:41
Thx for the support.  Today I have done some more work in Excel and made a little page.  Check it out on [DPC] muon stats. I've made a graph for every member and a graph showing the total particles per person.  I'm going to make a graph which shows the growth per day.
Also I would like to put some project discriptions in Dutch on the site.  Well thats it.
2002-10-25 01:49:52
That stats page IS nice looking.  smile

Ars Technica
Team Atomic Milkshake
2002-10-25 02:49:01
well Dukebox has put some effort
Duke DPC MUON Stats

looks prtty kewl

But isn't finished yet

[DPC] Jive
2002-10-26 13:23:43
Originally posted by [DPC]Scorpion:
well Dukebox has put some effort

looks prtty kewl

But isn't finished yet

2002-10-27 08:22:08
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
As for team stats, I provide a Tab-separated raw data file for people who know something about PHP or Perl to make their own stats-page generator on their server.
One little question, is there a way to inform people when the 'rawstats' file changes ?  Yesterday you added a reccord to the file, so my statsengine didn't update it anymore cause the file physically changed.
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Poll the "file modified" attribute omn rawstats.txt.  That gives you the time it was last updated.
Thats one way, but you have to download the 'whole' file, can you place a file like 'date.dat' wich includes the last update time ? 
Than i only have to download the whole rawstats when the date.dat is changed.  The rawstats will be getting bigger now many peolple are switching to muon due eccp and rc5 is finished.  It will save datatransfer when i only download the file when it's updated in stead of every 15 minutes.

Or the best way, keep your computer running and let it update every 15 minutes smile

[This message was edited by DukeBox on 2002-Oct-27 at 15:41.]
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-27 08:37:56
It doesn't update every 15 minutes.  Once an hour at most.  Try downloading the file at xx:10 so that you'll get it just after the hourly update.

I try not to change things like rawstats.txt too often, but yesterday I found that the "hours since last active" was a fairly important field, so added it.  You'll just have to fix your script like I did.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-27 08:45:16
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
It doesn't update every 15 minutes.  Once an hour at most.  Try downloading the file at xx:10 so that you'll get it just after the hourly update.

I try not to change things like rawstats.txt too often, but yesterday I found that the "hours since last active" was a fairly important field, so added it.  You'll just have to fix your script like I did.

Ok, ill schedule the script like that. 

Sinds a lot of people i know (including myself) (ehh.. yes i know myself.. i think) are reading this forum, could you post here when you change someting in the rawstats ?
I made the script that imports the rawstats in a way, that it first checks the reccords etc. Else it could damage my database.. so if there is a change, no updates will be done in the database.

Oh almost forgot, can you produce a list (like rawstats) witch username and teamaffiliation ?  I still haven't managed to make a good 'filter' for the teams.
Than i would be able to make teamstats (and stats for other teams) as wel.
b.t.w. a full member stats kan be found here

If you do find me anoying with all my questions, please tell so.
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-27 08:47:59
Yeah sorry I should have posted here a few hours before adding the extra column.

If you look there's now a file that contains the substrings used for identifying each team.  Use if (stristr(username,teamid)) to check if a given username belongs to a given team.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-27 08:50:59
Originally posted by DukeBox:
Great, but what if someone is called '[DPC]PhyWue' or [SG]mynamedpc' ??

Then they have picked a stupid name.  Technically that way they belong to two teams (in fact one could use that for subteams).  This is why I normally put square brackets around the team identifiers, or make sure the identifier string is long enough that people probably won't use it by accident.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Oct-27 at 15:55.]

Oops I clicked "edit" instead of "reply with quote". Easy mistake to make if you can actually edit everyone's posts as well as reply to them.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Oct-27 at 15:59.]
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-27 08:54:04
Damn these stats errors are back.  I had a couple of months without them and now they're back again.  I've just added a function to my database checker to make it ignore absurdly-short lines in people's files, so it just skips over one type of error.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-27 09:00:37
Originally posted by DukeBox:
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Great, but what if someone is called '[DPC]PhyWue' or [SG]mynamedpc' ??

Then they have picked a stupid name.  Technically that way they belong to two teams (in fact one could use that for subteams).  This is why I normally put square brackets around the team identifiers, or make sure the identifier string is long enough that people probably won't use it by accident.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Oct-27 at 15:55.]

Oops I clicked "edit" instead of "reply with quote". Easy mistake to make if you can actually edit everyone's posts as well as reply to them.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Oct-27 at 15:56.]

Funny.. but i think it will cause problems.. like my name is [DPC]DukeBox now there is no problem, but what if a team is created with the identifier 'Box' ?

I think everyone should use brackets OR everyone has to join a team with a kind of form (like most other projects).
But i think it's just a wait and see thing smile
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-27 09:04:58
I'll mostly only accept teams with ids that have brackets around them.  DPRGI is an exception because I can't really see how that string could crop up otherwise.  Anyway, if I want to change a team id I can do that here if the need arises.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-10-27 14:15:54
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
I'll mostly only accept teams with ids that have brackets around them.  DPRGI is an exception because I can't really see how that string could crop up otherwise.  Anyway, if I want to change a team id I can do that here if the need arises.
Ok smile
2002-10-27 19:20:37
TEAM SG Teamstats now at available. 
It's in german, sorry wink but here is a short english Translation:
Position, Name, Output today, Particles, Simulations V4.2x, best Muontransfer, Average output last 7 days (without today, if someone is less than 7 days member he gets the average for the days hi is..)

2002-10-28 16:48:48
Originally posted by pvs:
TEAM SG Teamstats now at available. 
It's in german, sorry wink but here is a short english Translation:
Position, Name, Output today, Particles, Simulations V4.2x, best Muontransfer, Average output last 7 days (without today, if someone is less than 7 days member he gets the average for the days hi is..)

Try[SG] smile
2002-10-28 20:03:00
O.K. but i'm missing soething like that:
big grin
Dr Nno
2002-11-04 08:07:33
This is my attempt to produce stats for the project: Stats at I's the first draft, and you can have a glimpse of what it may become in the future by visiting what I have done for the ECCp challenge and our Team Vodka Martini.

Suggestions are welcome.

Dr Nno, member of Ars Technica.
2002-11-04 11:09:35
God DAMN it...!  This do you call a FIRST GLIMPSE??!?  Cool. 
Nice work, man... *thumbs up*

2002-11-22 05:16:35
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Yeah sorry I should have posted here a few hours before adding the extra column.

If you look there's now a file that contains the substrings used for identifying each team.  Use if (stristr(username,teamid)) to check if a given username belongs to a given team.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a _spiral space-time whirly thing_, AND an interesting plotline"

Now you did it again !  mad
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-22 05:42:14
Yep, someone asked for me to put the time in.  I didn't add another comma though.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-22 05:51:33
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Yep, someone asked for me to put the time in.  I didn't add another comma though.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a _spiral space-time whirly thing_, AND an interesting plotline"

Well, the thing is, cause the data is automatically importend into my database AND i dont want any corruption / false tables.. (else i will lose my history).  I do a compare with the first line in the rawstats.  Now i made the script different by checking only after the ":".

But please.. inform us (by opening a topic) before you change something.

I make regular backups.. but when i know exactly when you change someting i kan do a manual backup before importing the modified stats.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-22 09:08:07
LOL okay, okay.  Shall I provide an XML format rawstats file so that I can extend that and it won't screw up your import?

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-24 12:40:12
Keep it the way is is please.. i have no knowledge on xml.
2002-11-24 13:22:47
I asked stephen to put in the time stamp and unless you manipulate the rawstats file really weirdly i didn't think it would really matter.

And i understand about getting corrupt data and how anoying it is.  I havn't had any problems with m stats grabber at the moment.  But stephen your updates seem a little out of wack, there not consistant in any way it seems it doesn't really matter but it can make people stats very inconsistant.  But thanks again for putting the time in the rawstats file.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-25 08:20:37
My current stats thing works quite well for a while but crashes too, so I have to keep restarting it when I can.  Averages over 3, 7 or 14 days should look OK.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
[ARS] Standish
2002-12-29 15:44:21
Hi everybody.
I've been working on a little stats tracking page:

Right now some of the numbers are a little off because I don't have the history filled in, so if anybody has the past 30 days of rawstats.txt I'd appreciate it if they could send it to me (I only need 1 for each day).
It's not quite done yet, I pan to add a little more to the user-detail page, but most of the features I could think up are in there.  This is my first attempt at stats traking, so if anybody has any comments or feature requests I'd love to hear them.  wink
PSEUDO [SwissTeam.Net]
2002-12-30 16:06:51
Originally posted by [ARS] Standish:
It's not quite done yet, I pan to add a little more to the user-detail page, but most of the features I could think up are in there.  This is my first attempt at stats traking, so if anybody has any comments or feature requests I'd love to hear them.  wink

Hi Standish
Really cool stats.  smile
They remember me a bit, at the stats from zerothelement for DF...
Eventually you can shadow or darken inactive user in the list.
For example users which did not upload result for a week.
Here an Link to the Page I spoke of.

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