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[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2004-01-06 20:47:11

after sending some "SolenoidsTo15cm" results at around 23.12.03 the
"SolenoidsOnly" results are not counted anymore in your stats; seems in
rawstats too as other stats agree with yours at this point Eek

What's wrong this time?


Sledge Confused
Stephen Brooks
2004-01-07 04:18:30
I'm still receiving and counting SolenoidsOnly results, since the graph of them is still going up (though most people are on SolenoidsTo15cm now).  Maybe your results got stuck on a server for a while - I noticed a jump in that total just recently, which is often a sign that a FTP server has just come back into contact.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2004-01-07 04:47:17

Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Maybe your results got stuck on a server for a while

nope, that's not the reason.  I'm sending results to your server
and only and AFAIK no one problems there last

date|total mpts|hours since last active
updated 2004-Jan-07; 06:22|21392108.9|0
updated 2004-Jan-07; 12:23|21392108.9|0

?!  Sent at least 44,473 mpts today.

You may take a look at[AVE]%20Mr.%20Sledge%20Hammer&team=[AVE]
too; results on 01/04 and 01/05 were new ones and my output and configuration
for the old 4.3 has not changed until some weeks.  Average of last 7 days is: 75534 mpts per day.


Stephen Brooks
2004-01-08 01:48:27
Your database file was modified today - in fact it seems to be modified every hour.  Has the number of results gone up but not the Mpts?  I'm going to keep track: your file is 114`021`192 bytes right now, and tomorrow I'll see if it has actually got any larger.  There are also timestamps now on the results you sent it: the last seem to be from around Jan 6/7.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2004-01-08 07:08:53
The number of results does not change too; stuck at 188157 for today.


Sledge Roll Eyes Wink

[This message was edited by [AVE] MrSledgeHammer on 2004-Jan-09 at 4:54.]
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2004-01-09 14:43:03
Hi Stephen,

any news due to my stats?

BTW: It's no problem if you have to reset my account to a date of your choice
during last year.  Most of results are archived and I'm able to send them again.

Regards and thanks anyway/in advance

Sledge Eek Roll Eyes Cool Smile Wink
Stephen Brooks
2004-01-10 06:58:42
I'll have a look at this on Monday (was not at work yesterday).  If the stats generator has eaten your results for some reason, I'll be able to tell you what date to start re-sending from.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2004-01-11 08:40:48
Hi Stephen,

that sounds fine Razz


Dirk Smile Smile Cool
Stephen Brooks
2004-01-12 06:28:18
Ah, I look today and your file appears to be 118`959`987 bytes in size (4MB of results added) so at least some are getting through.  But it hasn't increased your Mpts or results score to reflect this.  I will try seeing what happens if I force a re-parse of your file by 'touching' it.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
Stephen Brooks
2004-01-12 06:56:00
Well this is very strange.  You apparently don't have 188k results in there, but more like 116k. That is more consistent with the size of file I have here anyway - makes me wonder how it got up to 188k in the first place?  This wasn't a duplicate-removal because when I reparsed your file it only removed a very small number of results and was about the same size as it was before.

Did you see any large unexplained upward jumps in your stats recently that may have happened in connection with this?

Your recent results all still appear to be in the file (since mid-December when I started putting timestamps in).  So it hasn't been a recent deletion or anything.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.

Edit... I also checked's results, but he has a bigger file on my disk (about 175MB opposed to your 113M so his scores look correct.
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2004-01-12 21:52:18
Hi Stephen,

Originally posted by Stephen Brooks: Well this is very strange.  ...

you are right, indeed.  Missing around 800.000 Mpts now Eek

... Did you see any large unexplained upward jumps in your stats
recently that may have happened in connection with this?

No, nothing at all.  Until mid of December my stats (daily output) and your
stats were in sync.


Dirk Confused

BTW: There my be some peeks around 3rd of January and on some other days
because of sending results from computers not connected to the internet...

[This message was edited by [AVE] MrSledgeHammer on 2004-Jan-13 at 6:21.]
Stephen Brooks
2004-01-13 01:05:56
OK well seeing as this was probably a database glitch I'll add your Mpts back (though the number-of-results will stay as I have it here).

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2004-01-13 01:47:17
Thanks so far Stephen.

If the Mpts and the count are increasing again we'r are done.
I'll watch it a while... Razz


Dirk Cool Cool Cool
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