Stephen Brooks 2012-04-04 18:37:50 | Right now I noticed that the BOINC wrapper/yoyo@home server is displaying "500 - Internal Server Error". I also notice that the Muon1 project hasn't received any results from these BOINC-wrapped users since April 1st. Have e-mailed yoyo to see if he knows what's wrong. Non-BOINC users are unaffected. |
K`Tetch 2012-04-04 19:44:32 | I did think the weekly stats on @muon1 were down a bit. |
K`Tetch 2012-04-04 19:47:37 | As I posted about this to twitter, I noticed a tweet from the boinc wrapper account (@yoyo_rkn)
Stephen Brooks 2012-04-04 19:53:59 | Ah, that explains it. (FYI Muon1's database is backed up daily, though it's only to a NAS box about 6 feet away from the stats server, so I'm not sure how much redundancy that really gives.) Depending on how long yoyo@home takes to come back online, BOINC users might consider running the native Muon1 client for a while. [edit] A response: From: "yoyo" |
Stephen Brooks 2012-04-05 13:40:41 | Looks like this issue is resolved, from our point of view at least: (BOINC wrapper) results started coming in to Muon1 again last night. |