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2002-05-23 11:58:22


2002-05-23 11:59:02

Thomas King
2002-05-23 14:29:43
Ah..the strange welsh person.  That's excellent, he makes up for at least 12 normal people and at least 40,000,000 Chris Johnson's in terms of strangeness.  As long as we don't get started on pants, that is.

Grank grank!
Stephen Brooks
2002-05-23 15:09:04
Can you scale that picture down somewhat?  I don't want to have to force everyone's avatars to be scaled to 64x64 or something (and hence look manky because of pixel effects).
Thomas King
2002-05-24 08:56:55
You can't really talk Stephen, your picture's huge, and annoying!

Grank grank!
Thomas King
2002-05-24 10:37:31
Now, that really IS over the limit. 

Don't make me flex my delete finger.

Grank grank!
2002-05-24 12:01:30

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
2002-05-24 21:58:33
hehehe - the first member to get told off eh < thinx > should I rebel ?

nah ! 

why does everyone think I am strange ?

2002-05-24 22:01:05
hey I was thinking of posting a "skid mark of the day" piky !

anyone know how amfy works I don't understand the gibbly bits in the middle

2002-05-24 22:02:33
Also that duck was facing right earlier and now its facing left !

i'm gonna blow it up !  hehehehhee

Thomas King
2002-05-24 23:43:36
The duck is strange, I don't quite understand how the duck works.  Sometimes it faces left, someetimes it faces right and sometimes it rotates.  Also, sometimes, it's not there.

Grank grank!
2002-05-25 00:23:09
hey I think that trash is back !

but it aint called trash

bit stupid really


2002-05-25 00:24:20
stephen we havent got member no's whyzat then - also where can I get a forum from I want one.....

2002-05-25 01:55:58
oooh I got one !

gonna have to re-decorate though !

Thomas King
2002-05-25 05:48:32
Ah, but this is a lower-quality and generally odder trash talk, for instance, we activley encourage long rambing posts that are derogatory about Chris Johnson.

Grank grank!
2002-05-26 10:56:41
Aha !  well whats the dirt on him then ?

amunition required !  smile

Stephen Brooks
2002-05-26 11:33:53
scrutney_mallard & sjb174 = myself; boffboy = Chris Johnson


scrutney_mallard: ERR Chris
scrutney_mallard: can you see anything - err - ODD outside your window
scrutney_mallard: ?
boffboy: no
boffboy: I'm facing north
scrutney_mallard: Yeah so am I
boffboy: odd - what can you see?
scrutney_mallard: well nothing actually
scrutney_mallard: I was just bored


sjb174: HAHA there's some potatoes right at the bottom of the cupboard that have started shooting
sjb174: and they're underneath everything else
sjb174: and I'm wondering when my parents will notice that ODD 18-inch plant growing up inside their cupboard (as it is now)
boffboy: ERRRRR
boffboy: what plant is this?
boffboy: err #
sjb174: POTATO
sjb174: err
boffboy: ok
sjb174: no, potatoes shoot to produce BROCOLLI errr
sjb174: err-err
boffboy: ok
boffboy: I don't believe it
boffboy: err or maybe I do
boffboy: is broccoli in that family?


Err Chris is generally annoying and says "indeed" a lot and goes on about SYNTHS and stuff.
2002-05-27 10:07:40
Well - enlightening - but low on the mad scale !

I am by far the madddddest person I know !

Even the penguin - he say I can out mad most...


For instance the annoying habit I have of flushing my sox
or my belly button fluff colection

or - perhaps more appealing to your self my space program

( this was abandoned after I set fire [ accidently of course ] to a large

welsh hill - In the rain !!!!  ] - home made drain pipe rockets !!!

cool eh - I was going to launch my 386 into space - the last rocket I had was a three stage one capable of speeds of upto 400 odd mph and a ceiling of 2500 ft

It was great !  - I had the launch pad and everything.....

2002-05-29 06:44:32
Stephen, I think that your half of those conversations hurts you far more than Chris' does him...
Stephen Brooks
2002-05-29 09:26:27
Originally posted by Kameleon:
Stephen, I think that your half of those conversations hurts you far more than Chris' does him...

Exactly my point: he's really, really, utterly boring.  This is why the conversation probably registered as negative on Necronomicon's "mad" scale.

home made drain pipe rockets !!!

What did you do for the exhaust nozzle at the bottom - and what fuel did you use (solid like fireworks?  or something else?).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-05-29 12:24:02
just the standard estes motors -

the unfortunate truth begind the demise of my space program
was that both of the local model shops shut down !

( ones that stocked the motors that is )

great fun but mildly dangerous !

I had planned on making my own motor out of an aluminium pipe
filled with mek or toluene ( or a mixture ) - I have gallons of
this in my lab - a canister of co2 strapped to the side of the pipe
which inflated a baloon inside to force the fuel out...

cool eh!

2002-05-29 12:38:20
I didn't find any pants at all....

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
2002-06-01 22:54:50
Ah I have changed him so that he matches the background better!
I used to go to college with lots of dentists - we had a
human skull in our kitchen that I would hide with a pair of
pants when my girlfreind visited ----- linked < phew >

Stephen Brooks
2002-06-06 01:05:41
Errr, has anyone seen my pants?  big grin

I've just checked and I only seem to have five pairs (3 in the wash bin, 2 others), which mean last month I'd been wearing them for an average of 6 days.  I don't think that's true, so probably some have gone missing - somewhere.

(adds "buy more pants" to to-do list)

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-06-07 22:31:42
possibly you failed to remove stale pants and installed new pants on top !!!
this phenomena strikes quite often after a visit from the Tetleys gremlins !
you may realise when studying your used pants that some of them are in fact pant bundles!  - consisting of upto 6 pants stuck together hehehehe

big grin

Stephen Brooks
2002-06-15 15:55:41
The forms of matter as we commonly encounter them: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Pants and Pant-Bundles.

As it turned out BhS had a sale on pants, so I got a job lot of them.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-07-22 22:09:48
aaah these aren't my pants!  - a new conundrum identied !!!!

2002-07-23 15:38:30
dear me.  nec.  what a surprise !!!!  and goofing around as usual !!!  ahhh... nice to see you ...

A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man talking nonsense not to himself.
2002-10-31 12:46:40

haven't been here for a while !

what' yappening?

Life is nearly as strange as a dead kipper!

2002-10-31 12:57:01
Dude, necronomicon, that avatar is really parrot-twistingly annoying.

The mark of an educated man is one who knows a lot about something, and a little about everything.

Post edited for bad language and bad grammar and because I was bored (!)

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Nov-01 at 11:33.]

[This message was edited by Thomas King on 2002-Nov-01 at 16:53.]
Tom King
2002-11-01 03:41:36
Yes, it really granks my ducks too.  It causes the screens here to go all mangey.

2002-11-01 07:37:42
Originally posted by DrHanser:
Dude, necronomicon, that avatar is f###ing annoying.

The mark of an educated man is one who knows a lot about something, and a little about everything.

Post edited for bad language and bad grammar (!)

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Nov-01 at 11:33.]

Heh, the language I can see, but my grammar was fine.  razz

The mark of an educated man is one who knows a lot about something, and a little about everything.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-01 09:31:54
Originally posted by DrHanser:
Heh, the language I can see, but my grammar was fine.  razz

It is _now_. Originally it read:
Dude, necronomicon, that's avatar is f###ing annoying.
Without those hashes of course big grin

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Nov-01 at 16:33.]
Tom King
2002-11-01 09:51:53
Hey, I meant to moderate that.  Damn.  Oh well, I will anyway.  I don't like hashes.

2002-11-01 10:59:14
If vulgarity is not allowed on the board, you should slap me around the face with a comedy rubber trout.

The mark of an educated man is one who knows a lot about something, and a little about everything.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Nov-01 at 21:20.]
Tom King
2002-11-01 12:21:35
We never said vulgarity was not allowed, after all, that (and bad humor) comprises most of my domain.  Mua.  It's just non-comic swearing that gets the kybosh.

2003-09-21 03:53:49
[yearly visit]
Oh dear I annoyed everyone again!  Muhahahaahaha
I will change my avatar to a much more annoying one!
how many n's in anoyed - hmm 2 looks about right
See you all next year.  [/yearly visit]

Stephen Brooks
2003-09-25 13:46:46
Yes, that's annoying all right, but I'm not sure if it's what you intended Big Grin

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
Lord Groundhog
2003-10-21 16:53:39
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Yes, that's annoying all right, but I'm not sure if it's what you intended Big Grin

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"

I suppose this is the right time to say I rather like Necronomicon's icon.  If only he would do something about the colour.

-- peace.  LG
Lord Groundhog
2003-10-21 17:04:37
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Yes, that's annoying all right, but I'm not sure if it's what you intended Big Grin

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"

It occurs to me, Stephen, that your long-lost pants were somehow captured in Necronomicon's hypercube, and folded and put away in some vast trans-dimensional underwear drawer.  Eventually they all will be taken out and worn by an inverted parrot, whose misplaced beak will tear holes in each one.  The parrot will hide the shredded pants in a nearby fruit bowl, which will be N.'s hypercube in disguise.  You will open a clothes-dryer on your 40th birthday, and will find a lot of shredded cloth which you will mistake for a build-up of lint.  You will spend the morning trying to find the lint-catcher so you can clear it out before a fire starts.  In the process you will miss your birthday party and start a fire anyway.  You still won't know where your pants got to, or where all that shredded cloth came from, but you will at last find out what all that fine print in your house insurance means when the insurance company tells you they won't pay for you burning down your house. 

The moral of the story: keep your pants away from parrots.

-- peace.  LG
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-22 01:52:24
Originally posted by Lord Groundhog:
I suppose this is the right time to say I rather like Necronomicon's icon.  If only he would do something about the colour.
When I posted what I wrote above, the icon was appearing on my screen as "20MB Space, Unlimited E-mail from WEBHOST!" due to his site not taking outside links.  Now Opear doesn't display it at all, and instead shows a thin box with "Picture of necronomicon" written inside it.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2005-01-02 02:02:08
Grrrrk - hehehehe Guess what I am still strange - And boy did I struggle to log in for this years post Smile Muhahahaa but I got here in the end..
Erm yes now Stephon how are your magnets getting along?
I have a forum now for the team I hijacked a couple of years ago - You may wish to join and have some fun - We are interested in new projects to join etc (currently the BFG) has nothing to do because he sacked himself from all the projects we were doing Big Grin
hehehe one year I will sort out my Avatar - Promise really erm could be 2010 - Ha but time is plentiful here in strange vurld!  yes lots of it - big oceans etc,etc
Nice to see you are all going along fine.

2005-01-02 02:04:37
hoops forgot to give a link...

blah de diddly blah - My computer is sort of half crashed - Windows explorer error - Ha - who needs it anyway...Use the force blah post go on post you can do it.  Cool
2005-01-02 02:17:01
hmm I am thinking I may have outlived everyone
seems very quiet around here - However I will return next year anyway!
Stephen Brooks
2005-01-03 10:50:50
Oh my god it's Pants 2005.
Lord Groundhog
2005-01-18 16:57:15
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Oh my god it's _Pants 2005_.

So, that's the latest upgrade to the MicroSoft OS, like "Windows 95", right? 
Lord Groundhog
2005-01-31 17:13:37
Why didn't I think of this sooner? 

Have you looked here for your pants?

Or perhaps here?

If either (or both) of these sites don't help, you really are out of luck -- but I'm sure you'll be successful.
2005-08-19 15:21:24
hmmm Is it christmas yet?  Big Grin
2005-08-19 15:22:57
Eeek a truncated mini-me
2005-08-19 15:24:11
Early this year!  - See you all in xmas 2006 Smile
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