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2006-08-10 01:10:51
Stephen Brooks
2006-08-09 11:24:42 It looks like a script I ran last night cleared most of the backlog.  We could do with a few more servers actually, relying on just 2 or 3 is worrisome if one goes wrong (I've taken my uncontactable one off the list for now).

I would like to setup a server, but I am a complete n00b. I have wamp5 running with php, but I have no idea where to go from here.

Anyone care to help a n00b out?

Server would be running 24-7 on cable connection, with 1 week downtime in past 3 years.

Please help us out.
Stephen Brooks
2006-08-10 14:30:36
Which part of the instructions are you having trouble with?
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