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2004-02-27 16:11:07
Muon1 works fine on my upstairs computer, but when I try to run it on my downstairs one, I get this:

MUON1 executed an invalid instruction in
module MUON1.EXE at 0187:0042e078.
EAX=0068f188 CS=0187 EIP=0042e078 EFLGS=00010216
EBX=00457152 SS=018f ESP=0068f2f0 EBP=0068f39c
ECX=00000003 DS=018f ESI=0068f39c FS=563f
EDX=406e0000 ES=018f EDI=0068f1c4 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
df e9 dd d8 75 07 c6 05 ac 55 45 00 01 68 a0 76
Stack dump:
81658c1e 81637d7c 00580000 00000c04 005603e8 00000010 bff7a3a0 00460000 005603f8 00000001 00000000 0046000c 00460000 005603e8 00000000 00000000

What does it mean, and how do I fix it?

Edit: I already tried the user.txt thing outlined in another post, but that didn't solve anything.

2004-03-01 10:11:42
Hey Nexus!

If ur DPAD is still not working, this is what we at TeAm AnandTech came up with:

[Why does the client Instantly Crash upon running it, no matter which version (background, graphical, command-line)]

* -If you use winzip to unzip the file and you have not indicated for WinZip to set the options to "Use folder names" then a crash will result The reason for this is that the "lattices" directory will not write, or populate, upon unzipping.  Without the lattices directory an instant crash will result.  The rar file seems to work fine!

Taken from The Guide to DPAD by Overkiller.


AMD Athlon XP2600+, Soltek SL-75FRN2-L, Corsair 512MB XMS PC3500, Antec TrueControl 550

Proud member of [TA] SETI@home & DPAD
2004-03-01 15:17:44
hey nexus,

could you possibly give us your system specs including OS and what version you are running along w/ whether background, command line, or graphical is running. 

2004-03-02 17:51:11
Amdxborg- I do have a lattices directory, so that isn't it.  Although it wouldn't have surprised me If I'd managed to overlook so obvious a problem.

Overkiller- I'm trying to run v4.34 on Windows 98, 64MB ram.  The thing crashes instantly whenever I try to run it, and it makes no difference whether it's the graphical, background or command-line version.
v4.33 also crashes.

Thanks for your replies.

Stephen Brooks
2004-03-03 06:38:26
I bet you need more RAM.  I'd recommend at least 256MB... Muon1 appeare to use a few tens of MB when running as there are quite a few particles.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-03 07:23:45
Originally posted by Nexus:
Amdxborg- I do have a lattices directory, so that isn't it.  Although it wouldn't have surprised me If I'd managed to overlook so obvious a problem.

Overkiller- I'm trying to run v4.34 on Windows 98, 64MB ram.  The thing crashes instantly whenever I try to run it, and it makes no difference whether it's the graphical, background or command-line version.
v4.33 also crashes.

Thanks for your replies.


I have the same problem on two of my comps, with about the same configuration.  I think you should give it up.  I did Frown

Dutch Power Cow.
2004-03-03 11:54:15
win98 + 64 MB ram = Frown

DPAD Guide:
2004-03-03 13:25:20
Stephen- If insufficient RAM is the problem, I won't be able to do anything about it.  That horrible downstairs computer of ours is a hunk of junk, good for nothing except word processing and Excel.  For some bizarre reason my family insist on keeping it on day and night so I thought running a DC project in the background would at least accomplish something worthwhile.  Perhaps I should find something that will run on less RAM.

[DPC]Stephan202- I think I'll take your advice.

[TA]Overkiller- I know, I know.  Horrible config, but what can I do?  BTW, your DPAD guide is excellent; I had a browse through it last night.  Am I right in guessing that Overkiller and Wolfsraider are the same person ie.  you?  If so, would you be interested in a utility for easy transferral of results from non-internet computers, for your 3rd party programs list?  I wrote it when I thought I could get Muon1 to run on my shyte computer and now I have nothing to do with it.

Thanks for your replies, and happy crunching. 

Stephen Brooks
2004-03-04 01:16:46
I'm not sure how much memory it really uses.  Here Task Manager is saying it's using 76MB, but it was just saying that Opera was using 92MB (with only 3 simple pages open), which just reduced to 12MB all of a sudden.  Very odd.  Hmm and Opera is suddenly back up to 69MB.  So I'm not sure I really trust this RAM-estimation very much.  I could put the debug onto it and see how much RAM it's _really_ trying to use...

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
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