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2003-10-03 01:09:55
Hi guru's.

I'm behind a firewall which prevents Manualsend to establish an FTP connection.

Any ideas how to get "rid" of my results ??

2003-10-03 02:55:44
Hey Abyzz I just made a program that sends muon results on port 80 (http), if this would help contact me at and help me test this program out.  It is still very buggy and there is alot I need to fix up but I'm happy for a few people to help me test it before I release it into the wild.
2003-10-03 03:30:59
hi ZeonX, you should have gotten a mail from me.  Plz send me your prog.

2003-10-03 06:06:22
If you can't send through your firewall, put a 'Y' instead of the 'N' behind this line in the config.txt: Use passive (PASV) mode for FTP transfers: N

Proud member of DPC.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-03 08:27:30
Originally posted by ZeonX:
I just made a program that sends muon results on port 80 (http),

That's a good idea.  I wasn't going to do such a thing here because I didn't want my webserver bandwidth to go through the roof, but there's no reason why the stage from user --> FTP server shouldn't be done by some other protocol before I collect it.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-07 03:04:42
I've set it to PASV right away having 3 firewalls in line Smile

Worked fine with version b, but since version c about half the time it doesn't want to send.

This actually looks like it's at the server end than it is a fault of manualsend.exe.

DrHanser's FTP is down, so it won't connect. won't accept passive mode it seems.
After letting it know the client wants to send the file (STOR filename) it then stop responding altogether and I have to break out of the script, rename the temp file back to results.txt, and try again.

So far these servers do let me (well, manualsend) upload:
2003-10-07 05:35:27
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
That's a good idea.  I wasn't going to do such a thing here because I didn't want my webserver bandwidth to go through the roof, but there's no reason why the stage from user --> FTP server shouldn't be done by some other protocol before I collect it.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"

Yeah i'm making it more for the people who can't use ftp because of firewalls/proxies in place.

And anyone who would like to help beta test this program PLEASE contact me i'm in need of a few testers, email me simple specs of your system/os to  Unless i get alot of people wanting to test then you will be part of the testing group.
2003-10-07 05:53:22
sent you a mail, I'll give it a go.
Henri Valta
2003-10-07 07:36:21
Originally posted by Slartibartfast: won't accept passive mode it seems.
After letting it know the client wants to send the file (STOR filename) it then stop responding altogether and I have to break out of the script, rename the temp file back to results.txt, and try again.

Did you try it again?  Passive mode should work without problems.  Stephen's flush script always uses passive mode and other result uploaded with pasv have also worked fine.
2003-10-07 09:26:00
I'll give it a go once I have enough results to upload again, Henri,
however as the server is selected randomly I can't vouch for it selecting this particular server right away.  It might be a while before I can observe this happening again, or alternatively, working fine.

2003-10-07 11:48:30
You can remove all other servers from the servers.csv file.  That way you'll be sure that manualsend connects to the server you want it to use.

Dutch Power Cow.
2003-10-08 23:34:23
Hi Dudes, ZeonX made a cute little program which sorted things out - so now the results are flooding his FTP-server. 

Keep up the excellent work
2003-10-08 23:50:38
Thanks for the nice comments Abyzz, and most things with my program have been sorted out so if anyone wants to try it contact me,

I will probably release it within a few days publicly after its been tested a little more and documentation and cleaning it up has been done.
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