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2005-04-25 10:01:17

Would it be possible to sort out the FTP list for uploading stats?

When I upload my results.txt file it tries ATLEAST 4 times before getting a server that works.  Would it not be possible to remove the servers that are down?

Its just a bit anoying and its been like this for weeks if not months.

2005-04-25 11:30:37
Got to agree; it's annoying when it's a small upload and a major PITA with large uploads which need to be reparsed after each failed ftp process.
[SG] Herb
2005-04-25 14:26:05
Originally posted by Jumping:

Would it be possible to sort out the FTP list for uploading stats?


here is a quick solution, 100% to control by yourself:

Open servers.csv in a text editor, delete all lines with invalid servers and save it.
Then open file properties and mark it read-only. 

Later, when the muon client will dl a new servers.csv, he cannot overwrite the existing read-only file and will process upload using the reduced servers.csv file.

Regards, Herb
Stephen Brooks
2005-04-26 06:41:30
I've e-mailed most of the server admins whose servers are offline to ask what's going on.
2005-04-27 08:29:01
Well I could edit the file but I don't want to and then if your edited list is out of date you have to change it again....I just want the list to auto update with server that works or add new server as they come and remove servers that are down etc.

2005-05-01 08:27:49

I'm one of the 'missing in action' FTP server admins.  Terribly sorry about the inconvenience.  My server machine attempted suicide a while back, and I completely forgot to get the Muon FTP running again.

Should be back up within the week.  Thanks.
2005-05-05 18:18:21
My FTP server is back up.  The DNS is propogating, so it may be down for a few hours, but should be operational by the end of the night.

Stephen Brooks
2005-05-09 08:20:32
It seems to be off on my page? Maybe my page script is wrong...
2005-05-11 18:25:35
Its showing up for me...
2005-05-12 03:23:40
Hi All!

My FTP Server it is for the next Time down.  I have many Problems in the Moment.  Steve please save all Files from the Server.  I contact you when i come back.  ( I come back with the same Logins )
Bye and cya later all

Regards from Indy
Stephen Brooks
2005-05-12 04:17:21
OK, I removed that one for now.  We now have 7 out of 8 online!
2005-08-18 17:20:12
It looks like one of the servers isn't configured right:

Muon1 started
Detected 1 logical processors
Hello, AySz88
Attempting to send results...
servers.csv older than 24 hours, attempting download...
Saving genomes... 135, done.ftp> open
Connected to
220 Serv-U FTP Server v5.0 for WinSock ready...
User (white-panther.kicks-ass.netFrownnone)):
331 User name okay, need password.

230 User logged in, proceed.
ftp> quote pasv
227 Entering Passive Mode (83,116,38,123,52,61)
ftp> lcd C:\Documents and Settings\Alexander Yuan\My Documents\Private\Downloads
\Regular Downloads\Others\Particle Accelerator 4.42
lcd local directory.
ftp> mkdir v4.4x
550 /v4.4x: failed to create.
ftp> cd v4.4x
250 Directory changed to /v4.4x
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put 20050819-001553-oFcjb-AySz88.bin
200 PORT Command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 20050819-001553-oFcjb-AySz88.bin.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 66020 bytes sent in 1.03Seconds 64.03Kbytes/sec.
ftp> cd ..
250 Directory changed to /
ftp> get signal.dat
200 PORT Command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for signal.dat (55 Bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 55 bytes received in 0.02Seconds 3.44Kbytes/sec.
ftp> mkdir testfiles
550 /testfiles: failed to create.
ftp> cd testfiles
550 /testfiles: Permission denied.
ftp> lcd testfiles
Local directory now C:\Documents and Settings\Alexander Yuan\My Documents\Privat
e\Downloads\Regular Downloads\Others\Particle Accelerator 4.42\testfiles.
ftp> put testfile_jwgbeijrkjb.txt
200 PORT Command successful.
550 Permission denied.
ftp> lcd ..
Local directory now C:\Documents and Settings\Alexander Yuan\My Documents\Privat
e\Downloads\Regular Downloads\Others\Particle Accelerator 4.42.
ftp> get testfile_jwgbeijrkjb.txt
200 PORT Command successful.
550 /testfile_jwgbeijrkjb.txt: No such file or directory.
ftp> del testfile_jwgbeijrkjb.txt
550 Permission denied.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye!
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