stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1GeneralBest-so-far results not generating a re-check?
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2003-12-17 17:19:42
Here's a strange one...

Running the latest version -- whenever I've hit a "best-so-far" result - I get no re-check.  I have recheck set to "5" in the config file.

Have I missed something -- or am I mental?  Eek
2003-12-18 01:21:20
I think this is because the latest version downloads a sampleNNN.dat file every now and then.  So your highest result so far may not be the best result in results.dat.

On the other had, I'd like to simply answer this question with "yes, you're mental" Razz

Dutch Power Cow.
2003-12-18 08:43:22
BUAH!  Stephan202 - you really know how to hurt a guy!  Wink

I'm not really sure now - I'll have to watch it closely.  I seem to remember running several "top" simulations, but I suppose it's possible that I had higher results in my results.dat file at the time.

Perhaps I'm remembering how often I got re-checks on solenoids only.  That was on practically a daily basis.
[OCAU] badger
2003-12-18 16:58:11
check your results.dat for the highest transfer.  zeonx's muoncalc is good for that (find it at
I just did a quick check and from 446 results I only have 18 rechecks in my current results.txt Proudly sponsored by GRX-Computers
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