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2008-07-22 18:44:25
Hello Stephen,
since some days we are simulating a new lattice.  Can you say something about it, why was it created, what does it make.  so simply some projects news, which I can also announce to the Boinc user to keep them interested in crunching muon?
Stephen Brooks
2008-07-23 14:46:14
Yes, this lattice is an attempt to improve yield by adopting a "monolithic" design for the first 10 solenoids.  All previous Muon1 lattices have left 50cm gaps between the solenoids for engineering reasons and for diagnostics to be inserted, but near the target it is becoming clear that the whole first few metres of the muon channel will be designed as a single module.  This gives more options for magnetic field profiles in the important area immediately after the target rod, which I'm hoping can reduce the muon beam divergence further down the channel.
Stephen Brooks
2008-07-23 14:48:30
Note that the current level (2.05%) took Linac88MHz900MeV1 about 6 weeks to achieve, whereas Linac900NoGaps1 got there in 5 days.  That may be due to someone "seeding" with other designs, but it could also be that the lattice will go higher.
2008-07-23 21:09:35
Thanks for the explanations.
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