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2003-09-22 00:37:56
Hi Stephen,

I sent a big result packet on sunday (est.  2,2 Mio) and now the whole SlipStream account is vanished.  What is going on?  Where is the problem.

Thank you in advance.

Stephen Brooks
2003-09-22 06:19:40
I recompiled the stats counter this weekend - trying to correct some bugs in the duplicate checking.  I hope the thing hasn't deleted your results - but I can't know for sure until I get home to check.

If the entire account has "vanished" so the name "SlipStream" doesn't even appear anywhere, then it could be a different sort of error.  Sorry about the confusion...

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
Stephen Brooks
2003-09-22 11:16:28
I've just got home and have eliminated the worst-case scenario: your stats file is still here, all 160MB of it!
But I need to rewrite my stats database a bit - the code is rather cludged right now.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-09-22 12:42:05

these are some good news.  I would be an aweful waste of computing power if the results file were gone. 

Best wishes for cleaning up the code.

Stephen Brooks
2003-09-23 03:31:19
Do you know of a good place to buy a not-too-expensive 100GB+ hard disk?  I asked this morning whether the lab would buy one but they couldn't see why I needed it.  Right now the database is only 5GB, but I wanted plenty of spare room for it to grow if necessary.  So I'm thinking about buying one myself and probably fitting it into a spare bay on this fast machine here.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-09-23 10:37:40

I could tell you a lot of places in germany, where I live, but in GB, hmm.
I would recommend a samsung hd.  It's not the fastest, but very reliable and inexpensive.
You can have a look here samsung hd on ebay

Stephen Brooks
2003-09-25 08:49:11
I tried to buy that one, but it turned out the vendor only accepted some weird sort of "wire payment" and not credit cards.  He was also in Germany so the postage added an extra €14.50. But I've asked around - one of my friends works at RM (Research Machines - computer manufacturer) and recommended me another 160GB HDD, which I've bought.  So now there'll be plenty of room for stats Smile

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-09-26 07:10:49
Plenty room for stats is always a good message.
I wrote an own stats page for muon, and the database
is growing fast too. 
You can find it at Muon stats @
btw.  when will the phoenix rise out of ashes and become the number one place in the stats again?  Wink

Bye SlipStream
Stephen Brooks
2003-09-26 07:47:19
That's a very impressive stats page Cool Did you write it just for Muon or is some of it a template you can use on any DC project?

Seeing as it appears to only be you that has disappeared off the stats, I might be able to look into it this weekend, to see what the program is doing with you.

My new HDD will be delivered on Tuesday and I'm planning on installing it on my workstation here, and bringing the whole database to work with me on some CD-Rs or CD-RWs.  So by the end of next week the stats will be where I can get at them from work.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-09-27 00:52:25

I wrote it just for muon, but I can use 90 % of the code for other dc projects.  Many feature are still missing from the stats, and after my holiday I will continue the work on it.

It really seems to be, that my account is the only one, which vanished.  So it must a little mistake hopefully.  Smile

Stephen Brooks
2003-09-27 09:38:55
Oh - in your stats, remember that the same person will be in the file several times, so you'll have to add up all their entries.  Right now PX3 has fallen to near the bottom of your stats just because he's got results for the new optimisation.  There are right now two lines in the file that read "<SolenoidsOnly>" and "<SolenoidsTo15cm>", and after each of these come the scores for that particular optimisation.  There are also a bunch of lines at the very top, not under an optimisation, from earlier v4.2 runs before we used the lattice files.

Meanwhile I can check for what's happened to your account...

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-09-27 10:34:58
I already detected the new entry in the rawstats.  I modified my datachecker and for now it works.  Razz

Now I must go into deep meditation to find a solution for displaying the new solenoids.  Are there any other caveats ?  Cool

Bye SlipStream
Stephen Brooks
2003-09-27 12:48:33
Well you don't necessarily have to display the optimisations separately (as they do on my page), summed stats are what most DC people will want to see.  If you look on the muon1 page now you'll see I've put a small 10-place table for each optimisation, sorted by muon transfer rather than Mpts calculation.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-09-28 04:39:52
Good, I will think about it and thank you for fixing the slipstream bug.

Stephen Brooks
2003-09-28 12:35:03
Fixed you and a technicality with [OCAU] badger.  Was going to report it here but you've found it out already!  Also I'm just going to mention that I've put up some interim team stats (ugly hack of the old v4teamstats.php to read the new rawstats file).

It qualifies as 'ugly' becasue the 'best muon transfer' column is rather meaningless as it spans two incomparable optimisations, and the v4.0 4.1 4.2 columns are all zeroes.  Proper teamstats would have the totals and perhaps a breakdown by optimisation not version.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-29 13:33:34
SlipStream, where exactly do you pull your data for your stats.  Like the Results and Mpts data.  I'm looking at my numbers on your stats compared to my numbers in the rawstats.txt file and they are completely different (such as the total particles and results).  There any other way I can contact you rather than filling up Stephan's forums with questions Big Grin?
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