stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Bug Reportsrawstats.txt gone cold.
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2004-03-11 09:38:59
it seems like the rawstats.txt file hasn't been updated for some time... just checking if this is intentional?
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-12 03:22:30
It was for about 5 hours yesterday because I was doing benchmarking work on this machine, so didn't want scheduled tasks appearing and messing things up.  However I forgot to switch task scheduler back on again before I went home, so the fact it was down for 24 hours wasn't exactly intentional!  I've just switched it back on.

By 2050 the UK government plans to phase out nuclear power and get 60% of its power from wind turbines.  Really, REALLY big wind turbines.
2004-03-13 13:08:50
The rawatats are again not updating, last update: [updated 2004-Mar-12; 18:24] 4 hours ago.

It's really difficult to do the stats for our TeAm if this keeps happening...I hope it updates soon.
2004-03-20 07:50:14
this is happening again since yesterday...
2004-03-20 09:21:19
I really do not want to offend you Stephen, but this whole thing is really starting to bother ppl.  You can't expect ppl to participate in your project when the technical side isn't working 100%!! 

Either it's the stats that don't work, the whole site is down, ppl can't send through firewalls with WinXP, some ftp servers hold back results for ages, your downloadable archives are corrupt ...

Comon man!!  You know that a very big group of DC ppl are doing this only cause of the stats and the fun of team races --> if they don't work ppl will turn their back on you!  And I don't think that you can afford that as DPAD is a very small project in comparison to S@H, F@H and others.

In the beginning I didn't want to join DPAD cause I had the feeling that it was more like a private project run from some computers at home and not really scientifically and technically backed up.  Then amdxborg convinced me to join and I didn't regret that so far.  But ppl wanting to join these days do really get the feeling that "this is more like a project run from a garage at home" (TA forum quote)

If you have problems with thes site, stats or whatever then at least let ppl know what's going on right on the main site of DPAD.  Like an official announcment.  So ppl can at least see that the stats are down or whatever is the problem and don't have to guess what is going on.I know you did that from time to time on the forum but I don't think that this is enough.

Don't take this as an assault but more like some constructive criticism. 

Christian Diepold
2004-03-21 00:01:29
I'll second that!
2004-03-21 03:19:44
Originally posted by stanray:
I'll second that! 

Who cares if _U_ second that ...I'm talking about real DC ppl here!
2004-03-21 03:39:10
Originally posted by [TA]BlackMountainCow:
Who cares if _U_ second that ...I'm talking about real DC ppl here! 

lol!  Yeah Wink
Stephen Brooks
2004-03-21 05:05:54
The corrupt archives were indirectly caused by my webhost changing stuff around... hopefully it will be the last such _site_-related thing to go wrong for a while (and I'll see about fixing it on Monday).  I am quite annoyed with my webhost for doing that.

I'm not sure exactly why the stats process has stopped a couple of times over the weekends just recently, though.  I might be able to find out.

On, the top news post actually does say that my site had been messed up!

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2004-Mar-21 at 05:08.]
2004-03-21 05:19:58
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
On, the top news post actually does say that my site had been messed up! 

Sorry, din't see that.  But I think that most ppl have a direct bookmark to the muon site and do not go the long way through your portal site.
2004-03-21 08:54:48
Originally posted by [TA]BlackMountainCow:
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
On, the top news post actually does say that my site had been messed up! 

Sorry, din't see that.  But I think that most ppl have a direct bookmark to the muon site and do not go the long way through your portal site. 

In fact, I go directly to the forums Smile
2004-03-26 08:35:03
dun dun Wink
2004-03-27 02:55:03
again ...
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