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Display name: GP500
Posts: 29
Registered: 2002-08-09 16:42:06
Muon1 username: GP500

Recent threads posted to:

Muon1 v4.46 alpha 1100Stephen Brooks / K`Tetch2013-03-27 11:02:28
Benchmarking with Mpts thread623Stephen Brooks2013-03-08 09:53:21
Pause background muon18GP500 / Zerberus2013-02-04 11:01:14
Possible network disruption 2nd/3rd Feb (Sat/Sun)11Stephen Brooks / morgan2013-02-03 20:17:32
How does muon1 process work(units)10GP5002013-01-12 15:22:07
Err, Stephen aren't you worried by the dwindling number of active crunchers?26[TA]Assimilator1 / waffleironhead2009-01-20 12:46:52
Progress is slow ?!  something has gone FUBAR!2GP500 / [TA]Assimilator12008-12-13 00:38:31
Sad news re Amaroque4HaloJones / GP5002008-12-13 00:25:14
Status of Project4mellery / [TA]Assimilator12008-08-18 07:20:04
Would DPAD have a function as een ionbeam ?!  > Hiper project2GP500 / Stephen Brooks2005-09-06 15:32:35
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