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Display name: waffleironhead
Posts: 54
Registered: 2006-07-12 23:56:31
Muon1 username: waffleironhead

Recent threads posted to:

That's a lot of ducks....2waffleironhead / Stephen Brooks2014-06-16 23:42:32
Stats stopped for a day or two6Stephen Brooks / waffleironhead2014-01-25 00:01:10
Muon1 v4.46 alpha 1100Stephen Brooks / K`Tetch2013-03-08 01:31:06
results not showing up for Linac900Ext6Xc213Maniacken [US-Distributed] / K`Tetch2011-04-04 06:51:16
High-res scan project279Stephen Brooks2011-03-20 15:40:12
Best linacs and new lattice Linac900Ext6tc243Stephen Brooks / waffleironhead2011-01-19 19:19:43
Linac900Ext6tc2 parameters9[DPC]white_panther / Stephen Brooks2010-11-22 02:09:07
Linac900Ext10d2 different designs47[TN]opyrt / yoyo2010-11-06 20:30:13
Err, Stephen aren't you worried by the dwindling number of active crunchers?26[TA]Assimilator1 / waffleironhead2009-10-24 01:36:37
v4.44e - new version in beta - how does it work for you?22Stephen Brooks / [DPC]white_panther2008-11-12 16:58:36
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