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Display name: K`Tetch
Posts: 268
Registered: 2003-07-25 10:32:25
Muon1 username: K`Tetch

Recent threads posted to:

Muon has stopped working - v4.466PDW / Stephen Brooks2014-04-29 22:34:24
New to the project3UncleGregy / Stephen Brooks2014-04-01 19:34:55
Stats stopped for a day or two6Stephen Brooks / waffleironhead2014-01-23 23:10:19
Project offline while I move to the US41Stephen Brooks / Dave Peachey2013-11-21 01:43:08
Moving to Brookhaven National Laboratory25Stephen Brooks2013-08-10 20:39:04
Installation on Dual-Core Xeon - Dell PowerEdge 2950 III -Server 20086[KWSN] PhastPhred / K`Tetch2013-08-10 20:36:26
Muon1 v4.46 alpha 1100Stephen Brooks / K`Tetch2013-05-15 17:25:24 offline for 2-3 weeks15Stephen Brooks2013-04-03 00:16:58
Sleep on battery mode behaviour (Q for users)6Stephen Brooks2013-02-25 21:17:03
40 million-billion!2K`Tetch / Vvolodymyr2013-02-21 22:20:05
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