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Thomas King
2002-06-14 12:33:11
After another banner week of accomplishing nothing, except recieving a moderate shafting in a few exams, I log on to peruse my two forums to see if there's anything to moderate and I see nothing.  Nada.  Zero.  Zip.  Nil.  The deal here is YOU say interesting (or not, as you like) stuff and I read it and disagree to myself and form my own little notions about your mental faculties.  Thats what's meant to happen.  But you don't do it.  So please, have a large meandering discussion on why socks always mutate into non matching pairs, and when you do manage to snare a matching pair, they shrink beyond normal comprehension, and you have to wear them anyway because you've got to make a good impression, and they slide off your feet and collect in the end of your shoe and are all manky.

Grank grank!
2002-06-14 14:05:53
Ha Ha Ha

looking for trouble eh?

well that's my muddle name

unfortunately I have lost the urge to create chaos and mayhem at the moment and I dont know why !


Possibly due to the fact that I have consistantly forgotten to take me multivits for several days on the trot....


big grin

Stephen Brooks
2002-06-15 15:52:40
Yes very little happened last week.  I didn't have a lot of time to write odd stuff on any board due to exams (which I've now finished), and then packing to go home - I got home on Friday evening.

I have to laugh some days.  The Muon1 user list contains two users called [DPC]Stappel and Stappel[DPC]. Surely it takes a quite astounding level of incompetance not to realise that if you type your name differently in two copies of the program, the server will indeed think that you are two different people... big grin

Meh.  Today has been crap too because the internet runs at a much slower speed on this computer than it does on the one in the spare room, despite the fact that they're both connected to the router in identical ways. 

Identical ways:

Spare-room computer --> Router --> NTL cable modem

My computer --> Some soldering my dad did --> The Ceiling --> The Attic --> Another Ceiling --> More soldering --> Router --> NTL cable modem

But over here I get 64kbps and over there it's 512kbps.
Err another thing that's coned me off somewhat is that my balloon-on-a-string experiment was manked up by the wind and it kept going sideways into the neigbour's garden instead of upwards.

And now, the Indoctrination of Mallards.
Thomas King
2002-06-18 11:35:23
Er-Er-Er.  I've just checked in to check my email, got chemistry to revise, Stephen has just saved my life by sending me a little book of essential basic chemistry facts, which increases my possible grade to a C or even a B if there is a god, which there isn't. I owe you my soul.  Well, maybe not, but a chocolate muffin, some UTP cable and a few bits of paper with "Anomalous toucan?  3x+2y/5x^2+4 oh hell what is that on about?  Remember to check -" it finished there because I tore that bit off and ate it to prove to someone that I could.

Grank grank!
Thomas King
2002-06-21 13:43:03

I'm going to have to get tough.  Call in da boys, as it were.

The guys from MSN would like to pay you a vist.

Come come now.  Drop that cone.  And a bit in italics

Grank grank!
Lord Groundhog
2004-09-26 16:20:18
I'm here because someone very important on this board told me just the other day that he thinks it's pretty cool to dig up really old threads and re-activate them.  So, ever-obliging soul that I am, I decided to oblige him. 

It seems a fitting thing for me to use this thread, since this way I can also answer Tom's complaint - and I quote -
- by writing stuff.  And maybe some nonsense too.  Maybe a lot. 

So don't despair, Tom.  If you are patient enough, sometimes things can work out the way you want them.  As my granny used to say, "All things come to him who waits". At least, I think that was my granny.  I was told to think she was.  I mean, she must have been, right?  She wouldn't have said she was if she wasn't, would she?  (She did have awfully big teeth now that I think about it, but that surely isn't important.  I'm still here, aren't I?)

What do you think, Tom?  Not that being a grandparent might not be fun but, why claim to be one if she wasn't one? 

Well anyway, that should give you something to do -- a bit of light reading, a little moderating, a bit of typing perhaps.  All in a good cause. 

And this way you don't have to send in Da Boys.  You know how that terrifies us all. 

[signed] Your biggest fan,

the one-man Preserve Thomas King From Deletion Society (PTKFDS),

an ironic rodent,

somebody who's just using this thread as an excuse to prod Stephen,
alias ...
Stephen Brooks
2004-09-28 03:46:10
Er now unlike the other thread that you dredged up, this one is quite funny.  Though I hate to think what Dickon's detailed description of the natural life of drongoes did to your mind at about 1am.

That looks like "jam" in this stupid font that oh err I chose I'll be quiet now.

Originally posted by Lord Groundhog:
So don't despair, Tom.  If you are patient enough, sometimes things can work out the way you want them. 

Why thanks, Clive.  That's really inspiring.

She wouldn't have said she was if she wasn't, would she?  (She did have awfully big teeth now that I think about it, but that surely isn't important.  I'm still here, aren't I?)

Don't let's turn this into a slagging match about yo' momma's teeth Razz

the one-man Preserve Thomas King From Deletion Society (PTKFDS),

Well, it must be more than once since in the poll 3 people voted not to close him.  Unless you voted in Florida.
Lord Groundhog
2004-09-29 16:47:49
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Er now unlike the other thread that you dredged up, this one is quite funny.  Though I hate to think what Dickon's detailed description of the natural life of drongoes did to your mind at about 1am.

Probably the same as it would have done at 1 pm -- or indeed at any other time.  I'm extremely resentful that I wasn't here to observe the little feller for myself, maybe do some quick sketches, even run a few quick experiments and clipped on a tracker tag so we could follow it.  I don't suppose you managed to get any snaps of it yourself? 

Fact is, I quite admire a good crypto-biologist.  Someone who could find out all that about drongoes ought to have been awarded the Nobel Prize in biology by now. 

That looks like "jam" in this stupid font that oh err I chose I'll be quiet now.

Yeah, well, some people prefer to use something more tasteful like Verdana or Geneva or Lucida Sans.

Originally posted by Lord Groundhog:
So don't despair, Tom.  If you are patient enough, sometimes things can work out the way you want them. 

Why thanks, Clive.  That's really inspiring.

Is Clive here too?  I've always wanted to meet him.  Anyway, I don't even have dorky cable TV to watch that even more dorky Oprah Winfrey.  I had to come up with that all by myself.  How impressive is that?

She wouldn't have said she was if she wasn't, would she?  (She did have awfully big teeth now that I think about it, but that surely isn't important.  I'm still here, aren't I?)

Don't let's turn this into a slagging match about yo' momma's teeth Razz

That was my grandmomma, you mallard.  How did you miss Little Red Riding Hood when the rest of us had to put up with it?

the one-man Preserve Thomas King From Deletion Society (PTKFDS),

Well, it must be more than once since in the poll 3 people voted not to close him.  Unless you voted in Florida. 

WHAT?!  You ran a poll without having authorization from the PTKFDS?  No wonder you only got 3 votes for him.  We could have stuffed the ballot boxes properly if we'd known.  Why do you think Dubya is going to ask the PTKFDS to run his next election? 
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