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Tom King
2002-11-14 03:42:48
Er how hard would a version of Reversi (or Othello, or whatever you call it, the one where you have two players and you flip a line of the opponents pieces to yours by getting one of your pieces on each end thier line) that works along the browser wars system be?  You'd have to have some sort of entry field I guess because you have to start off the blank board with four pieces already on it, but it would be quite cool.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-14 06:52:55
That's quite a good idea... Maybe you needn't start the board with 4 counters if the rule about "having to flip over some of the opponent's pieces" on every move was dropped.  Then you could initially just put some counters on.

Also, if there are more than two browsers, could you do this:


...or only moves like this:


As for how hard it would be - in fact Othello is one of the easiest games to add to the current system.  I could probably do it without creating a second script - just having an if ($gametype=='othello') switch in a couple of places.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2003-01-28 21:03:58
Originally posted by Thomas King:
Er how hard would a version of Reversi (or Othello, or whatever you call it, the one where you have two players and you flip a line of the opponents pieces to yours by getting one of your pieces on each end thier line) that works along the browser wars system be?  You'd have to have some sort of entry field I guess because you have to start off the blank board with four pieces already on it, but it would be quite cool.
2003-01-28 21:12:21
sorry about that.  what i meant to say is that every board begins with two red and two blue pieces.  the first player to play gets his pick on which pieces will be his, and the next player to play automatically gets the other set of pieces.
2003-04-26 02:43:01
try Wink
2003-04-26 02:44:56
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