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2002-11-21 19:34:07
You don't appear to have support for my browser...

And I'm buggered if I'm registering wins for Mozilla!

- Chris
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-22 09:03:37
Am I getting severe deja vu, or did I just answer this question somewhere else on this forum?  smile
2002-11-22 17:45:08
why yes, stephen did answer the question. (hey, i want mosaic supported big grin, but it's dead and it can't even pull up the site big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin )

[color=green]fear me, i'm on a mosaic streak[/color]. (sorry stephen or whever edited my sig, it's supposed to be like that, inside joke about mosaic big grin )
2002-12-11 02:38:30
The Phoenix people said that their new 0.5 release will be the last with the "Phoenix" name.  The next release will have a new name.

That's A Lie, Your Honor!
Marv The Grate
2002-12-11 16:00:03
It has also been noted in various places that this is just propaganda and a publicity stunt (talk about the name change).
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-11 17:49:45
You mean they deliberately chose a name that was the same as that motherboard company's, or that the MOBO company hasn't actaully raised a case with them?

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Marv The Grate
2002-12-11 19:43:26
Actually it looks like not only was I wrong but I was way wrong...

Quoted from the FAQ directly under the FAQ entry saying that it was a publicity stunt is this gem.


No, not really.  This isn't like an action flick where the evil madman reveals the intricacies of his plans to hostages and then leaves them alone with a bomb set to detonate in like 10 hours.  When we're ripping you off, we won't explain how in the FAQ.  The truth is that we'd already had this 0.5 released planned for awhile, so it was okay to release under the Phoenix name.  But under no circumstances will any future release be called Phoenix."

So I retract my statement and the public humiliation that I duly deserve for not reading all of the FAQ may now be heaped upon me.
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-12 07:37:50
Well I'd actually already read the full FAQ when I saw your post, but imagined the 'publicity stunt' idea must have come from _some_ evidence somewhere, so wanted to know if you had any idea where it _did_ come from!

So I guess the most likely explanation is that they chose "Phoenix" because it 'sounded cool', without doing a Google for others using that name.

Anyhow, as soon as they DO know what they're going to call it, can someone post here so I can add a team?  (I'll probably check MozNews too from time to time).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Marv The Grate
2002-12-12 21:12:35
As a rabid Phoenix fan and user (started using on the release of .3 and I the browser> I will make sure to update the conversation on the revealing of the new name.  Too bad I think that copyrighting a name that is in common usage sucks and that Phoenix Bios sucks if they threatened a lawsuit against the developers of this mighty fine browser.
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-13 04:45:37
Well most people wouldn't mistake a motherboard for a web browser.  I tend to think Microsoft has more justification in that Windows/Lindows case.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-17 06:19:50
Phoenix tech makes a browser for embedded devices such as ATMs.

When you hear the name "Phoenix" do you think of Mozilla's or PhoenixTech's?

Therefore it infringes on their trademark.
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-17 10:42:35
Oh right.  I thought the other Phoenix was just some normal hardware manufacturer who saw their name being used for something else, but it looks like there's more justification.

big grin The moz team should just hurry up figure out the final name for their browser then - it doesn't really matter what - call it "potato" or something so I can give it a bar in the game!

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-12-19 10:55:27
The "new" Phoenix should be out in January...

That's A Lie, Your Honor!
2002-12-28 11:43:30
id tend to think that all gecko browsers should stick together instead of separating phoenix, mozilla, galeon etc...
Whatever, anyway mozilla is winning even if you add all IE x.x together. 
Has this already been posted on slashdot?  I dont think so, but its on (sort of spanish slashdot), when it gets to slashdot home... Dude, I hope youve got big pipes.
Nice anyway!
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-29 14:44:51
It was mentioned in SlashBack a while ago, which had some interesting effects.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Marv The Grate
2003-01-02 17:32:46
One of those effects being that I started coming to the site and have been playing ever since. 

I am of two minds as to if the Moz deriviatives should be split into categories (as are the other big browsers) or if they should be banded together to overcome all That IS EVIL!!  Bwuhahahahah!!!  Opps sorry, got a bit megalomaniacle there. 

Stephen, I still think that you are doing a great job by hosting this little addicition of mine. 

I am waiting for the next release of Phoenix to see what the name will in fact be.  I rather like the name and think it silly that they are going to have to change it.
2003-01-13 18:34:09
quote: it "potato" or something......

Hehe, then the Debian folks will cry FOWL (pun intended) Wink
2003-01-16 19:15:47
I can't wait until Phoenix is added...K-Mel vs. Phoenix hehe

Victory to the K-Meleon!
2003-01-17 03:53:55
Bah!  Opera 6 0wnz Melon heads Razz Wink
2003-01-17 04:00:40

Now I'm registerd, I can boast my browser Big Grin

Mind you, I do like Dillo too Wink

Geek and Nerd
Marv The Grate
2003-04-14 22:29:46
Phoenix is now called Firebird.  I am not sure about the icon as of yet but I have seen a few bouncing around. 

Now I just have to wait for the .6 release of Firebird to come out!

Why curse the darkness when you can light a flamethrower?

Men At Work -Terry Prachett
Stephen Brooks
2003-04-16 08:09:36
Originally posted by Marv The Grate:
Phoenix is now called Firebird.
Oh CLAP CLAP what an original and entirely non-obvious way to change the name.  [/sarcasm] I still would rather they called it "potato".
I am not sure about the icon as of yet but I have seen a few bouncing around.
That must be a rather irritating screensaver.
Now I just have to wait for the .6 release of Firebird to come out!
And then we'll know what the Official icon looks like?  Smile Wheeeeee.... I bet they make it an icon shaped like a potato.  Red Face

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
2003-04-16 18:33:24
Stephen, are you a Debian user?
Stephen Brooks
2003-04-17 10:27:26
Nope - do they have a potato-shaped icon too?

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
2003-04-18 20:26:05
Book'em Dano
2003-05-17 12:02:57
Mozilla Firebird .6 is now out:

Does it deserve its own icon now?
Stephen Brooks
2003-05-18 10:11:43
If you refer to the branding strategy page, you'll find that they prefer that FireBird be referred to as "Mozilla FireBird", or the "Mozilla Browser Component". Hence no separate logo for it.  Part of their strategy has become that they keep everything all under one brand.

However, if this thing eventually turns into a Mozilla 2.0, that will indeed have its own new team and icon.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature #NAN°C
2003-06-21 13:29:26
Dillo is soooooo fast!  Eek

Potato is old, you need woody Wink

Browsers of choice: 1st.  Galeon, 2nd Dillo, 3rd Mozilla
2003-06-25 00:42:15
Better put your money where your mouth is, and start playing... for now, k-Meleon 0\/\/nz y00
2003-07-02 19:48:18
no doubt that k-Meleon is OK.  But no browser beats Galeon!

Browsers of choice: 1st.  Galeon, 2nd Dillo, 3rd Mozilla
Book'em Dano
2003-07-03 18:27:08
You silly pirate, K-Meleon owns Galeon!  Check the stats 22 to 8.
2003-07-05 21:50:14
I dunno... Galeon has looks, features, speed, and the ability to kick butt in Browser Wars.

I myself have never lost to K-Meleon.

I'll install it on my windows box to see if I can stand it Wink

Browsers of choice: 1st.  Galeon, 2nd Dillo, 3rd Mozilla
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