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Stephen Brooks
2003-02-23 07:55:45

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Lord Groundhog
2003-02-26 02:38:12
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C

Bashing AOL?  Too easy, like mocking Dubya's singular lack of intelligent thought. 

OTOH, it could be fun -- like telling lawyer jokes.

-- peace.  LG
Stephen Brooks
2003-02-26 06:21:48
Well I always heard from other people that AOL was rubbish, and it certainly looks lame from its advertising (and the fact they kept putting junk CDs through my mail advertising "1000 hours free!" didn't endear them to me), but this is the first actual 'proof' of lame-ness I've seen.  Smile

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Marv The Grate
2003-02-27 21:08:51
Well, I have been successfull in not using AOL at all, but it seems to be what a good number of people think they want in an internet service. 

But look on the bright side, without AOL cd's coming in a deluge to your door, you could not use them for AOL art.  See for details...

Why curse the darkness when you can light a flamethrower?

Men At Work -Terry Prachett
2003-02-28 02:43:09
They also make fine coasters.  And they look pretty with a candle on them.
Marv The Grate
2003-03-01 22:43:23
Also, when you are out of frisbee (c) discs, you can always throw the AOL cds instead.  Once upon a job I used the be able to wing an AOL cd around corners thanks to the paper they were wraped up with.  Very good for workplace sniping.

Why curse the darkness when you can light a flamethrower?

Men At Work -Terry Prachett
Stephen Brooks
2003-03-03 08:26:53
Irrelevant fact: It was 03:03:03 on 03/03/03 a few hours ago.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2003-Mar-04 at 10:38.]
Tom King
2003-03-03 15:15:15
Muhahahahah!  The end of the world!  muhahahah-oh crap, it failed AGAIN.  Sodding fuses.  I TOLD Stephen to replace them, but oh no, combined liner interpolations of mallardasian factors was more important.  Well, who's laughing now?  eh?  you?  well?  you're laughing??!  STOP IT! 

Mental note: buy more crusty white.


Quorn fudder quarnk quarnk
Quorn fudder quarnk quarnk
Stephen Brooks
2003-03-06 10:10:57
An AOL CD?  Hah.  I would feed it to the ducks.

If the ducks liked polymers, that is.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Ahmet Özkan
2003-03-06 15:29:33
Remember, though, AOL is a biological and radiological hazard, even in the form of a CD.  Of course, unless you want your ducks to die, then go right ahead.  Wink
Stephen Brooks
2003-03-06 18:18:19
Yes but some mallards eat polymers for breakfast.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
2003-03-06 22:37:02
Are you saying mallards actually distinguish breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Dutch Power Cow.
Stephen Brooks
2003-03-07 05:45:31
They distinguish arenes, polymers and ketones.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Stephen Brooks
2003-03-12 08:35:57
"AOL Time Warner has said it hopes to avoid criminal charges by cooperating with federal investigators. 

The company has reported £119m in accounting discrepancies and turned over thousands of documents to investigators. 

AOL is being investigated by the SEC, the FBI and the US attorney's office for the Eastern District of Virginia.",7497,912578,00.html

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Lord Groundhog
2003-03-22 17:11:13
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
_"AOL Time Warner has said it hopes to avoid criminal charges by cooperating with federal investigators. 

The company has reported £119m in accounting discrepancies and turned over thousands of documents to investigators. 

AOL is being investigated by the SEC, the FBI and the US attorney's office for the Eastern District of Virginia."_


That will teach AOL not to donate to Dubya's campaign fund.  Micro$oft was very generous during the election campaign, and hey presto!  -- the teeth just fell out of that anti-monopoly case against them.

-- peace.  LG
Stephen Brooks
2003-03-23 15:33:29
Originally posted by Lord Groundhog:
Micro$oft was very generous during the election campaign, and hey presto!  -- the teeth just fell out of that anti-monopoly case against them.

If that rather out-of-the-blue accusation has any truth in it, we might be in the amusing situation of having the president of America determined by Microsoft.  What I mean is that the 2000 vote was so close, if MS had decided to help out the democrats instead of the republicans, they might have won.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
2003-03-23 18:31:27
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
An AOL CD?  Hah.  I would feed it to the ducks.

Even better:
Lord Groundhog
2003-03-24 04:55:04
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
If that rather out-of-the-blue accusation has any truth in it, we might be in the amusing situation of having the president of America determined by Microsoft.  What I mean is that the 2000 vote was so close, if MS had decided to help out the democrats instead of the republicans, they might have won.

Not quite out of the blue.  You made reference to AOL being comprehensively investigated; I just implied that their situation might be easier if they had been big contributors to Dubya's campaign, by comparing it to the way the case against Micro$oft Corp(se) has gone away. 

The fact is, I didn't bother to check how much AOL/Time-Warner gave, or to whom, in the 2000 campaign.  For all I know, they gave loads to Dubya, but the guy is so fed up with all those @%&$!!  CDs arriving in the morning post that he decided to let the investigations go ahead anyhow. 

As for M$ determining the election, although they were very generous to Bush, they also gave some money to certain Democrats.  Also, they didn't give anything like as much as the oil industry, who gave huge amounts to the most ignorant man ever to claim to have a degree from Harvard and take the oath of office.

-- peace.  LG
Stephen Brooks
2003-03-25 16:12:15
Originally posted by Lord Groundhog:
As for M$ determining the election, although they were very generous to Bush, they also gave some money to certain Democrats.

Well at least they had some sense (or maybe they were hedging their bets).  I didn't tend to think of MS, big corporate concern though it is, as out-and-out republican because many of their employees are drawn from academic or hacker circles, who will tend to vote democrat.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Stephen Brooks
2003-04-15 10:20:13
AOL has exused itself from my wrath (for a brief period) today, due to the following article.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Lord Groundhog
2003-04-16 10:20:05
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
AOL has exused itself from my wrath (for a brief period) today, due to the following article.

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C

Oh no, just when I thought I knew who the "bad guys" are, they do something like that.  I guess this means AOL will be taken off Dubya's list of the "axis of evil", and escape being carpet-bombed by B-52s and invaded -- sorry, I mean "liberated", of course -- by troops. 

A curious notion just crossed my mind: does this mean that the Post Office should now sue AOL for all those blasted CDs?

-- peace.  LG
Stephen Brooks
2003-04-16 11:32:31
Originally posted by Lord Groundhog:
Oh no, just when I thought I knew who the "bad guys" are,

The following page had me rather confused:
...until I looked up the flags and found out which half of Korea they were referring to.  For a couple of minutes I thought something VERY RETARDED was going on.
I should really know the flag of South Korea, having been there, but I wasn't sure how different the North Korean flag was (as it happens it's totally different).  Confusing of them anyway, as they both refer to themselves as "The Republic of Korea", except the Northern half prefix this with some phrase involving 'democratic', of all things...
A curious notion just crossed my mind: does this mean that the Post Office should now sue AOL for all those blasted CDs?

[moment of clarity] YES [/moment of clarity]

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
Stephen Brooks
2003-05-05 16:26:07
Originally from
AOL Time Warner reported a record loss of $98.7 billion in 2002. Most of that figure came from charges at the AOL unit, whose growth has slowed and whose accounting is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Sheesh Eek. They lost 1½ Bill Gateses.

That probably does explain where the money for all those CDs came from.  I wonder if the CD-ROM manufacturing industry would have been in tough times if it weren't for AOL?

Today's weather in %region is Sunny/(null), max.  temperature -99999°C
get a 4 mobth refund from AOL ?  NY fines AOL
2005-08-25 10:01:55
• Provide refunds to all New York consumers
who claim harm based on improper cancellation
procedures, up to four months worth of service;

4 months of service refund.

• Pay $1.25 million to the state in penalties and costs.

The claim form for New York consumers seeking
refunds is available at Attorney General
Spitzer’s web site
Stephen Brooks
2005-08-29 14:55:40
This is creepy - the above is obviously a spam bot, but it's somehow managed to pick the RIGHT thread for AOL bashing.
2006-05-22 07:01:40
Yeah, not a very "ballanced" article, is it?  I mean AOL is surely not the "ISP of choice" for very many people, but that could barely be considered news, as it's more propaganda than anything.
Stephen Brooks
2006-05-23 04:44:45
And the author, "Jack Russell", is a sort of dog.

That post is like 3 years old, I think because I got the forum rearrangement wrong it sort of bubbled to the top.
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