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2004-05-20 15:02:28
Is there any way in 4.41 that you could keep the samples in their respective sampleresults.dat files as opposed to bloating results.dat with them?

I am not sure if you're intentionally populating results.dat with them right now?
[DPC]TeamNWW - Huub
2004-05-21 04:13:58
Not only that.. but is there a way to auto-update SolenoidsTo15cm, PhaseRotA and ChicaneLinacA in one go?  maybe with an edit of config.txt?  Or is autoupdating restricted to one of the above for now?
2004-05-21 05:59:54
I had spoken with Stephen about the new sample files when 4.4 was first released.  I asked him the exact same thing basically, and I believe it was just by accident he missed it in going forward with 4.4. I am pretty sure that you will be able to both download all sample files in one run as well as utilize each of them in the next client release.  But don't take me as canonical... Big Grin
Stephen Brooks
2004-05-21 06:53:46
Yes, the sample results are intentionally merged to results.dat, since results.dat is where Muon1 'learns' from.  The sampleresults.dat only stays in your dir so that Muon1 can see how old it is and hence when you'll need a new update.

The updating of multiple optimisations' files was something I forgot about in v4.4, but it's already in the v4.41 development source here.
2004-05-21 07:12:41
Could you do either of the following in a future release?

Replace the sample results in results.dat each time they are updated, that way results.dat doesn't become so bloated.


make viewresults.exe ignore all sample results in results.dat
Stephen Brooks
2004-05-21 08:49:38
I'll have a look into making the system a bit more elegant in the next version (v4.42).
2004-05-21 08:55:24
elegance is a beautiful thing Big Grin
Stephen Brooks
2004-05-21 08:58:44
Right, now I'm off to CERN until Wednesday, so I hope the v4.41 thing works in the meantime.  I will be watching it from the place "where the WWW was born", if you believe its website...
2004-05-21 09:14:31
False, as every American knows:

Al Gore invented the WWW.

Have fun at CERN Smile
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